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Game 1: Lions @ Colts Thread

A guy named Doyle just beat us. Fuck.

Stafford has a ton of time to let Prater make up for his mistake. 3 timeouts.
Use one of your TOd and we have probably over a minute left. Now we'll have 34 seconds. Idiotic.
They've been kicking touchbacks all day anyway. So a few seconds to try to get into field goal range
There's another rule that needs to be changed. Leaping? For real? Isn't that part of the game? Let them do whatever they want to block the kick. They risk their own health doing that.
There's another rule that needs to be changed. Leaping? For real? Isn't that part of the game? Let them do whatever they want to block the kick. They risk their own health doing that.

Not over the snapper. Leave it to our dumb fucks to not know the rules.