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Game 16 Lions @ Packers Thread

should be titus' 3rd td and staff's 5th! god, if only our defense played better.
39 for Matthew Stafford, man I really want to see him get his 40. Another 173 yards and he get to 5000. Imagine 5000 and 40 and no Pro Bowl?
johnny2x2x said:
39 for Matthew Stafford, man I really want to see him get his 40. Another 173 yards and he get to 5000. Imagine 5000 and 40 and no Pro Bowl?

That'd be a 500yd day... lol.
johnny2x2x said:
39 for Matthew Stafford, man I really want to see him get his 40. Another 173 yards and he get to 5000. Imagine 5000 and 40 and no Pro Bowl?

the way our defense is going, we might need him to get both those numbers.
if the media thinks the lions are a dirty team, it better be talking about how the Packers are dirty from this game.

Walden drove right into Staffords shoulder on a personal foul, then 55 gets a cheap shot in after a delay of game
MalFunkShun said:
Go for 2, tools....

nah. too early for that. it's not like our offense is playing bad. If we were, i'd say you were right, but as of now, it's too early to go for 2.
What a messy, sloppy, half-ass flag-filled game though, and all this after the Lions finally played a largely mistake-free game vs the Chargers. Hope the Lions can pull out the win , but it would be winning ugly regardless.