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Game 16 Lions @ Packers Thread

ugh, of course the defense is on strike. clearly, they decided not to play today.
good news....we look like our O can hang with NO.

bad news....we might need to score 70 to win if we play them.
The Lions did more to contain Rodgers, Jennings, etc.. on Tukey Day than they have to contain the backups today.
I think the ref just said that is the end of the 3rd quarter at the 2 minute warning, what a fucking clown
Not to jump back on to the refs...but did anyone else catch that the ref yelled out "that's the end of the 3rd quarter" when it was the 2 minute warning?

Good grief.
ChrisintheD said:
I think the ref just said that is the end of the 3rd quarter at the 2 minute warning, what a fucking clown

Yeah, cause that was the first clue today these refs suck ass.