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Game 16 Lions @ Packers Thread

Lots of game changers but Suh's penalty was the nail in the coffin in my book
Had our chances, but we blew this game and our defense should walk back to Detroit.

Just pathetic. We're the 6th seed now.
bright side...we're in the playoffs. stafford threw for 5000 yards and 40 tds this year. CJ went over 1600 yards.
so now....we get to go TO New orleans, then TO GB if we win...yikes.
Calvin missed Herman Moore's record by 5 yards. Finishes the season with 1681 yards.
I used to hate Jason Maxiell more than any Detroit Athelete.. I think I'm going to shift that to Amari Spievey.. What a fucking clown..
johnny2x2x said:
Calvin missed Herman Moore's record by 5 yards. Finishes the season with 1681 yards.

He's got lots of years to get that one. Some extra fire in his belly
20 fucking consecutive seasons, and lose to their backup QB, who has all of two starts, and who sets a 6 TD record...utterly ridiculous, but still is not their only horridly ugly ongoing losing streak
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]so now....we get to go TO New orleans, then TO GB if we win...yikes.

Luckily we'll get to face Rodgers not Flynn if we pull of the miracle win in NO :)
gunther isn't getting fired, but I think the wide 9 needs to be killed...now.
That was our chance to break the streak, every goodamned bounce went against us and we made stupid plays and in the end couldn't cover anyone.
johnny2x2x said:
That was our chance to break the streak, every goodamned bounce went against us and we made stupid plays and in the end couldn't cover anyone.

Should have won...the Young catch was clearly a TD. Still, looks like a big payday coming up for Flynn. Can you say 'Matt Cassel"???
tigers99888 said:
I used to hate Jason Maxiell more than any Detroit Athelete.. I think I'm going to shift that to Amari Spievey.. What a fucking clown..

You and me both.
brewer228 said:
[color=#FF6103 said:
Monster [/color]]so now....we get to go TO New orleans, then TO GB if we win...yikes.

Luckily we'll get to face Rodgers not Flynn if we pull of the miracle win in NO :)

If we win, no one can accuse us of having an easy route to the Super Bowl.