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Game 3 - Lions @ Vikings Thread

If someone uses the nickname "Cardiac Cats" I'm going to find them and punch them in the face.
mjsb2 said:
This isn't the same old Lions.

Coming back the way they did in this game shows a lot about this team.

that or it says how shitty of a second half team the vikings are. wow 3 games in a row that they've blown.
That put CJ over 100 yards right? The NFL.com stats haven't updated yet...
i'm still pissed at the first half, but they totally redeemed themselves. defense was HUGE.
I knew the Vikings would give the lions a chance in the second half...but man Fraiser seems to not know how to make adjustments at all
Am I the only one who went running through the house and out onto the yard with fists pumped.
despite stafford's bad start and the sacks, he finished 32/46 378 yards 2 TDs and ZERO PICKS.

70% passing. very nice. CJ with 7 catches, 108 yards 2 TD
And we won this game with a grand total of 20 yards rushing. Wow
[color=#006400 said:
Mitch[/color]]Am I the only one who went running through the house and out onto the yard with fists pumped.

I was actually more excited on the catch rather than the FG and win, guess I have that much faith in Hanson.
this team is the shit. however, prly aren't going to get away with a slow start against Dallas like we have against Tampa and Minnesota. Must suck to be the Vikings two weeks in a row.