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Game 53 Blue Jays @ Tigers : May 26th, 2024 11:30 Am Start

So they know more it doesn't mean they're right every time. Did Matt Millen know more than us? Did Ralph Houk? Think about that..
I really think Millen and Houk are a bad comparison . Houk did have a
1619-1531-7 record with 3 penants and 2 titles I think. Now granted he did manage the Yankees last run before his bad tiger teams. Millen was a piece of crap. We all knew more than he did.
Idk weather Hinch is good or not. He does have more info than all of us. I would like to see Carpenter get more play verses lefty’s but I did think he would sit today . I could have swore I saw his hamstring was tweaked. Weather that is right or wrong is debatable. Idk. I’m just pissed that the whole organization seems to not be on the same page yet. Can’t put my finger on it. I’m really worried about Harris and the trade deadline.
I just can’t believe how KC has turned it around.

Bedtime for me. But my last word on this series, I thought the Tigers were going to be swept. So, winning 3 out of four ain;t bad. Listen to the Meatloaf song will be a great night cap. O let's get Pittsburgh.
Totally Tigers

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I don't remember getting pissed at Hinch, compared to the last few managers including Leyland.
When it comes to the owner the Ilitch's and the GM's ,we all have doubts, and about this guy and of course Avila.
Even DD could never find relievers for the bullpen.

DD would get relievers and then they'd inexplicably meltdown. We keep casting off proven guys and hope we find a diamond out of a shit pile.

Looked great in April but we've been found out now.