When thinking about media bias, a better distinction than "liberal" or "conservative" is looking at who owns them, how they're funded, and the accuracy of their reporting over time. what sort of view points do they push?
The NY Times is "liberal," yet it openly pushed pro-war stories and reporting to help sell the Iraq War, it employs almost no viewpoint diversity in it's editorial section (ranging from the center to the center right), and when requested by the Bush administration, buried reporting of their domestic spying scandal until AFTER the 2004 election. All that shit was eye opening to me when it happened. and it really hasn't changed since then.
I was initially surprised how many other Americans either didn't recognize this, don't remember it, or just outright ignored it because it doesn't fit in a neat and orderly "left/right bias" chart, and the implications are scarier than they care to acknowledge.
"The Right has Fox and the Left has MSNBC and BOTH sides have fringe elements we should ignore, and the truth lies right in the middle. probably."
conveniently, there are two parties that agree on everything but abortion and gay marriage and the "everything" else they agree on (free trade, anti-union, pro-war, pro-intervention, tax cuts for the rich, privatising public services, and so forth) is reinforced equally by Fox, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS, The NYT, WaPo, etc.
*steps off soapbox, then picks it up and hurls it at all of you. it hits tigermud and knocks him out because he was brainwashed by InfoWars that the soapbox wasn't really there*