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How times have changed

I can be on here talking about sports while watching sports and still listen better than my mom or gf. That's what annoys me the most. They complain about me being on my phone too much. But I can do both unlike them. If they're on a computer, reading a book, or watching tv, its like talking to a wall.
Maize&Cheese304 said:
I can be on here talking about sports while watching sports and still listen better than my mom or gf. That's what annoys me the most. They complain about me being on my phone too much. But I can do both unlike them. If they're on a computer, reading a book, or watching tv, its like talking to a wall.
It's a perception thing. A person can maintain several conversations at once via text and still listen to someone talking and respond to the key stuff, but it's not the same as having someone's full attention. You might be able to do both, and think you are doing a pretty good job doing it, but I bet they think they are talking to a wall too.
Talking to a someone in person involves some sort of response, not all of it verbal, to everything they say. Message boards, texting, and email communication only involves responding to the things that interest you. When you talk to somebody that's texting, they're only responding to the interesting things you say.
Its not like we're in an empty room having a serious conversation. Me answering a text is no more distracting to me than having the tv on.

She can't text very well so she gets upset. It'd be like her mom getting mad at her for using a microwave.
Maize&Cheese304 said:
Its not like we're in an empty room having a serious conversation. Me answering a text is no more distracting to me than having the tv on.

She can't text very well so she gets upset. It'd be like her mom getting mad at her for using a microwave.

You don't think she's a different species from you, do you? You're looking at your future. The young are different from the old, so how do you think we get from where you are, to where she is? To stereotype (meaning, I'm not talking about you specifically): the young think the old must lose something, or forget certain things to become as different as they are. The old feel they get there by learning and gaining perspective. It's just amazing that we all end up stupefied that the people that come after us act like we did. That's bias I guess.
Maize&Cheese304 said:
Its not like we're in an empty room having a serious conversation. Me answering a text is no more distracting to me than having the tv on.

She can't text very well so she gets upset. It'd be like her mom getting mad at her for using a microwave.

That it's not a serious conversation is the point. Your reaction to the unimportant BS is the stuff you filter when you're texting that make it feel like you're not there (again, stereotyping...but I have yet to meet an exception).
I don't listen or respond any differently. And she's just doesn't like me being on my phone a lot period. Even if we arent talking

I also don't text like an idiot. The worst I do is use things like "u" or "r" when I only use one hand.
Maize&Cheese304 said:
I don't listen or respond any differently. And she's just doesn't like me being on my phone a lot period. Even if we arent talking

I also don't text like an idiot. The worst I do is use things like "u" or "r" when I only use one hand.

Well, if it's not that...then it could be a bigger issue. If there are things you mom wants you to do, that you're not doing, then she'll be upset about anything else you do. If she thinks you need to put more work into finding a better job, finding a better girlfirend, chores...whatever, then anything she sees as a distraction to that will bug her.

...or maybe she's just crazy.
!. All women are crazy.

2. I'm pretty sure its just because she doesn't text, and grew up with just calling people.
I think it's rude. And no matter what, your attention is divided if you're texting and talking. We have implemented a no texting after dinner policy in the house. My wife got a 4G iPhone a while back and became disturbingly obsessed with it. And I see that all the time traveling so much. Get on an elevator and watch, people will compulsively pull out their phone. On shuttles, waiting in lines, everywhere.