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I Guess Olbermann Ain't on Football Night No More

zonietigerfan said:
zyxt9 said:
I'm just tired of all the Fox bashing. And yes, tired of all the NPR bashing by the Right as well. At some point this nation needs to have the ability to move toward the center instead of pushing beyond the fringes on both sides. Whether the extremists be Tea Party or OWS...I have zero use for their BS when there are serious problems requiring actual resolutions instead of a bunch of whining extremists getting their panties in a bunch. My guess is you feel the same.

If you don't like Fox, don't watch it, I stopped watching all that junk years ago, whether it be Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or other so called news because it is just lame. Maybe because they are competing against Reality TV (no, don't watch that garbage either) they feel it necessary to over-hype every ****ing little thing.

It just seems everyone is more interested in destroying than building or fixing because that is the easy thing to do. I look forward to the day a politician is able to unite this nation again, but the MSM will never let that happen if they can help it because what will all these D v R / L v C shows do to sell their air time then???

I agree completely. Actually, I listen to NPR quite a bit on long trips and so forth. They have interesting programming, which Fox also has. Seems like some on the left cannot stand the existence of Fox, Palin, Bush or Tebow. It becomes obsessive. I don't like Obama, but I'll not go on some kind of rant & hope he dies or something. I'd like to see him pull a Clinton and come toward the middle but that won't happen.

And not one of us on the left ever said we want anyone on the right to die.. But it is laughable if you don't think Bush, Palin, Tebow, and especially Fox are not extreme... I find it funny that we have people on the right crying when they just about 90% of the time get what they want... I guess you don't see the cave in democrats that Obama has become.. As soon as McConnell said he was never going to help Obama and his only goal was to make sure he never got elected again Obama should have called a press Conference and shown the nation that clip and raised his hands and said see the republicans don't want to compromise on anything.. Then he and the Democrats should have rammed everything through steamroller style just like Bush and the republicans did in his eight years...But whatever.. Nothing is going to change until there is a viable third party and politicians cannot use their own money or contributions from corporations in elections. All candidates should get the some amount of money and then maybe we would get substance in their views instead of attack adds all the time. I am sorry but Corporations are not people and should not be able to donate money to politicians and be able to hide it . Just another terrible decision by this right leaning Supreme Court.
MalFunkShun said:
I'm independent.. and I can't STAND Fox News. About two years ago when I was working in Frankenmuth everyone would watch it during lunch. Literally, one TV for everyone. I went to change it one day and everyone yelled at me. I asked why and they said, and I'm not joking, "Because this is the next best thing to Comedy Central." (We didn't get CC).

Anywho, it's the crazies on the radio who are the worst. I remember getting literally angry at Laura Ingram when listening to her on the way to work one day. Something along the lines of blaming our economy on Obama before he was even elected, saying how McCain will keep this country going in the "right direction." Crazy bitch.

/politics off.

I just don't see how anyone can believe people like her and Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly,and many others.. Every station i turn it to here in Grand rapids has a right wing talk radio show host. Only two that i know that are left here in this town are Hartmann.and Schutlz but both only get a few hours if that..... I have no answer for the two parties system other then we need a a third party that can challenge both the democrats and republican..
zyxt9 said:
I'm just tired of all the Fox bashing. And yes, tired of all the NPR bashing by the Right as well. At some point this nation needs to have the ability to move toward the center instead of pushing beyond the fringes on both sides. Whether the extremists be Tea Party or OWS...I have zero use for their BS when there are serious problems requiring actual resolutions instead of a bunch of whining extremists getting their panties in a bunch. My guess is you feel the same.

If you don't like Fox, don't watch it, I stopped watching all that junk years ago, whether it be Fox, CNN, MSNBC, or other so called news because it is just lame. Maybe because they are competing against Reality TV (no, don't watch that garbage either) they feel it necessary to over-hype every ****ing little thing.

It just seems everyone is more interested in destroying than building or fixing because that is the easy thing to do. I look forward to the day a politician is able to unite this nation again, but the MSM will never let that happen if they can help it because what will all these D v R / L v C shows do to sell their air time then???

FOX gets bashed because they set themselves up for it.

They claim to be "fair and balanced" when even they know that's bullshit, which is fine, they can spin the news however they want, but if you're going to call yourself "fair and balanced" and not be, better expect some backlash.

Also, they have been called out quite a few times for false reporting, political spin aside, you should at least try to get the actual news right.

And has anyone explained the tides to O'Reilly yet?