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I will say what others will not

[color=#551A8B said:
TinselWolverine[/color]]Maybe he didn't get the calls because he's black.

If the referee was Mich_QB_U, that might actually be a legit concern...
Mich_QB_U said:
Black QBs really, for the most part, do not work.

This could have been worded a little better, but I get the drift. I think there is quite a few Black QB's in college that are very successful. When you go to the next level the numbers drop, mainly because of the changing schemes. Black QB's for the MOST part seem to be more athletically gifted when it comes to mobility, which they take advantage of with the slower college game. Harder to use that to your advantage in the NFL where the game is as fast as you are, but many do ( Vick, Cunningham, Mcnabb, Newton, etc )

I dont see anything that leads me to believe they don't WORK, many of the black QB's just decide to use what they are more athleticlly gifted at in the NFL and move to another position.
Well, there are 3 black starting QB's in the NFL right now, but there are 5 who have started the majority of their team's games this year. So at any point this year there will be 3, 4, or 5 blacks playing QB, comprising 9.38%, 12.5%, and 15.63% of all QB's. According to the 2010 census blacks make up 12.6% of the US population. Huh, seems about right.
DR said:
Well, there are 3 black starting QB's in the NFL right now, but there are 5 who have started the majority of their team's games this year. So at any point this year there will be 3, 4, or 5 blacks playing QB, comprising 9.38%, 12.5%, and 15.63% of all QB's. According to the 2010 census blacks make up 12.6% of the US population. Huh, seems about right.

You just went statistical in this bitch.
DR said:
Well, there are 3 black starting QB's in the NFL right now, but there are 5 who have started the majority of their team's games this year. So at any point this year there will be 3, 4, or 5 blacks playing QB, comprising 9.38%, 12.5%, and 15.63% of all QB's. According to the 2010 census blacks make up 12.6% of the US population. Huh, seems about right.

yeah, but the OP is just saying they "don't work," not that they aren't there.

a bit vague of a concept to be sure.
And somehow I missed Cam Newton when I was looking them up.

4 current starters, 12.5% vs 12.6% of the population.

Of course, the combined record of those 4 teams is 11-20...
Makes you wonder how Warren Moon became the greatest passer in pro football history. Maybe if there weren't stereotypes about black quarterbacks in 1978 when he came out of Washington and went undrafted, he wouldn't have wasted all those years in Canada before being given the chance by an NFL team to be a black quarterback.

Good thing those stereotypes from the 70's are gone.
TheVictors03 said:
Makes you wonder how Warren Moon became the greatest passer in pro football history. Maybe if there weren't stereotypes about black quarterbacks in 1978 when he came out of Washington and went undrafted, he wouldn't have wasted all those years in Canada before being given the chance by an NFL team to be a black quarterback.

Good thing those stereotypes from the 70's are gone.

They're not guh.....ohh I see now.
Mich_QB_U said:
Its off to the races with this one. Yes - I'll adjust the comment a bit - black QBs, for the most part, are not as accurate passers as their white counter-parts.

Nice backpedal. Now your argument is all of a sudden a thoughtful examination of one particular stat out of the many that together describe the QBs performance. Why do you think black QBs are less accurate and what does this have to do with whether they "work"? A QB does not have to be the most accurate passer for his team to win games. Look at Mark Sanchez if you don't believe me...

I think what happened here is you realized your first statement was flat-out racist and now that you've stirred the pot you're trying to distance yourself from it and watch from the sidelines. Good try, but you're still a racist.
newton83 said:
...Why do you think black QBs are less accurate....

I do think stats would back that one up. Seems like it at least. Not that it has anything to do with your point, just sayin...
DR said:
newton83 said:
...Why do you think black QBs are less accurate....

I do think stats would back that one up. Seems like it at least. Not that it has anything to do with your point, just sayin...

I think I wasn't very clear with that question. I was asking why does he think they are less accurate and why does that single stat matter in the context of whether a QB "works" or not? It certainly helps to be accurate but it is not an absolute requirement to be successful.
DR said:
newton83 said:
...Why do you think black QBs are less accurate....

I do think stats would back that one up. Seems like it at least. Not that it has anything to do with your point, just sayin...

Eh, a little below average**, this year at least.

Vick - 8th in completion % - 63.2%
Freeman - 9 - 62.9%
Newton - 18 - 60.6%
Campbell - 19 - 60.6%
Jackson - 21 - 60.4%
McNabb - 23 - 60.3%

Of course you have to watch them play to really know. It's easy to rack up a good percentage dumping the ball off, or throwing 5 yard patterns with a 4wr spread.

**EDIT - not below average, actually. average ranking is 16.33 out of 34. also, if somebody starts bringing up median vs average i'm going to kick their ass.

EDIT EDIT - Since I know the above disclaimer isn't going to work.....the average completion percentage in the NFL right now is 60.4%, the combined percentage of those 6 is 61.45%.

Moral of the story, you can't always go by how things "seem".
newton83 said:
DR said:
I do think stats would back that one up. Seems like it at least. Not that it has anything to do with your point, just sayin...

I think I wasn't very clear with that question. I was asking why does he think they are less accurate and why does that single stat matter in the context of whether a QB "works" or not? It certainly helps to be accurate but it is not an absolute requirement to be successful.

You were clear, I just wanted to focus on the accuracy issue, and cut off the rest of your point. It is pretty arbitrary to pick that one skill out of his hat.
Tim Tebow has completely shitty accuracy and he's a white virgin blessed by God....

And McNabb is just old. Not black and old, just old.
sample size would be too small.

well, unless you're looking at noter dame, maybe.
Yes. I saw Gardner in at QB after Denard's passing performance at QB, and I thought to myself, these "athletic" QBs can't throw that well compared to the QBs we've had in the past. I am frustrated. But I've seen "athletic" QBs now for a long time, and the "athletic" QBs are not consistently accurate passers. And btw, here is the list of passing yards for QBs. Of the top 100 in the NFL, 5 are black.
