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I will say what others will not

Mich_QB_U said:
Yes. I saw Gardner in at QB after Denard's passing performance at QB, and I thought to myself, these "athletic" QBs can't throw that well compared to the QBs we've had in the past. I am frustrated. But I've seen "athletic" QBs now for a long time, and the "athletic" QBs are not consistently accurate passers. And btw, here is the list of passing yards for QBs. Of the top 100 in the NFL, 5 are black.


I guess, maybe you should've used the term "athletic" instead of "black." Then maybe you could've thrown Forcier in there to deflect any criticism over your perceived bias. of course, then fewer people would probably comment...

Rush Limbaugh, the KKK, Pat Buchanan, Louis Farrakhan, and Glenn Beck all nod in approval of your use of race-baiting to stir the pot and distract the people from meaningful issues.
MichChamp02 said:
Mich_QB_U said:
Yes. I saw Gardner in at QB after Denard's passing performance at QB, and I thought to myself, these "athletic" QBs can't throw that well compared to the QBs we've had in the past. I am frustrated. But I've seen "athletic" QBs now for a long time, and the "athletic" QBs are not consistently accurate passers. And btw, here is the list of passing yards for QBs. Of the top 100 in the NFL, 5 are black.


I guess, maybe you should've used the term "athletic" instead of "black." Then maybe you could've thrown Forcier in there to deflect any criticism over your perceived bias. of course, then fewer people would probably comment...

Rush Limbaugh, the KKK, Pat Buchanan, Louis Farrakhan, and Glenn Beck all nod in approval of your use of race-baiting to stir the pot and distract the people from meaningful issues.

You are fucking crazy to even include the KKK in your response to him. Who is stirring the pot here ? WHo is the real hate monger ? You seem real sensitive to this, you feel guilty or something ?
Mich_QB_U said:
Yes. I saw Gardner in at QB after Denard's passing performance at QB, and I thought to myself, these "athletic" QBs can't throw that well compared to the QBs we've had in the past. I am frustrated. But I've seen "athletic" QBs now for a long time, and the "athletic" QBs are not consistently accurate passers. And btw, here is the list of passing yards for QBs. Of the top 100 in the NFL, 5 are black.


Quite a thorough study you've done. Glad you've got a wealth of statistics and reasoned arguments on your side before you make such a conclusion as to denigrate all black QBs everywhere. Did you skip over the post by Art Vandelay where the black QBs in the NFL are actually more accurate on the whole than white QBs (this year)? Did you bother to check what percentage of QBs in the NFL were black vs. white to give your "5 in the top 100" statistic any sort of context or relevance? Did you consider that black QBs historically have not had the same opportunities as white QBs, ie: were not recruited as heavily or even allowed the opportunity to play at all, due to attitudes such as yours?

Or did you see a nice dark target and just go for it. I haven't seen any sort of coherent argument from you and don't think you have one. You are flailing against all black QBs because you don't like a couple of Michigan's recruits. This sort of generalizing without facts or basis, or even anything resembling a complete thought does not paint you in a great light.
greenandwhite95 said:
MichChamp02 said:
I guess, maybe you should've used the term "athletic" instead of "black." Then maybe you could've thrown Forcier in there to deflect any criticism over your perceived bias. of course, then fewer people would probably comment...

Rush Limbaugh, the KKK, Pat Buchanan, Louis Farrakhan, and Glenn Beck all nod in approval of your use of race-baiting to stir the pot and distract the people from meaningful issues.

You are fucking crazy to even include the KKK in your response to him. Who is stirring the pot here ? WHo is the real hate monger ? You seem real sensitive to this, you feel guilty or something ?
Yep, as if the left wingers don't use "race-baiting" to stir the pot... Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson come to mind.
Champ did include the head of the Nation of Islam as an example and the KKK did play a huge role in keeping blacks from playing at Alabama and other southern schools all the way into the 70's.
MichChamp02 said:
[color=#551A8B said:
TinselWolverine[/color]]Maybe he didn't get the calls because he's black.

If the referee was Mich_QB_U, that might actually be a legit concern...

Well, maybe that's why black quarterbacks "don't work," and why approximately 28 out of 32 starting quarterbacks in the NFL are white - because black quarterbacks just don't get the calls, and everybody knows it.

Or almost everybody.

Everybody except the teams that use black quarterbacks.
DR said:
And somehow I missed Cam Newton when I was looking them up.

4 current starters, 12.5% vs 12.6% of the population.

Of course, the combined record of those 4 teams is 11-20...

so it could be argued that they aren't working

Hungry said:
DR said:
And somehow I missed Cam Newton when I was looking them up.

4 current starters, 12.5% vs 12.6% of the population.

Of course, the combined record of those 4 teams is 11-20...

so it could be argued that they aren't working


If you're the type of person who believes every win or loss is directly related to the QB, sure.
QB by race? fuck all of you even giving this the time of day. go to fucking hell
Time to let it go and stop bumping inflammatory threads. What purpose is served by fanning the flames?
josh200612 said:
Lol man he has looked great these past two games.

Of course!!

I'm drunk and just fucking around...

i passed out for a bit there during the penn st-wisc game...