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Internet Censorship.

I am? You and byco challenged me to back up what I said, so I took the time to post the articles and comments I read about him (back in 2019...).

that's "jumping through hoops?" Doing what you asked me to do?

and I don't think anyone should have punched him. But hit him with a milkshake? sure. he deserves that.

There isn't a single shred of evidence in that article you posted. Nothing you've said was backed up by anything - you basically posted an editorial piece, there's no actual evidence for any claim you've made. None of it, including your presumptions about Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys are supported by any evidence - every shred of actual evidence disproves your assertions about Ngo and those groups. That's just a fact.

Right. I can't prove he or the proud boys are white supremacists. But they are aligning themselves with avowed white supremacists, going to street fights the white supremacists are engaging in, and the Proud Boys are fighting with them.

Who? What white supremacists are they aligning themselves with? C'mon Megan Markle, name some racists for us.

Andy Ngo himself appears to be too much of a coward to actually fight. but he's provoking the left and engaging in yellow journalism to discredit black protestors and the people - antifa I guess - who organize to fight back against white supremacists coming into their town to march and fight.

Well, maybe that's because he's a journalist, and not an agitator. I'll ask again, do you have any video evidence of him provoking the otherwise peaceful violent terrorists? Or do you mean him covering them for the violent terrorists they are is the provocation?

If Andy Ngo and the Proud Boys are not themselves white supremacists they are either very confused or stupid for aligning themselves with the people they have.

Maybe they're just smart enough to see that Antifa are a bunch of fascist terrorists - something you're clearly in denial about. So maybe the reason you don't have any evidence is because you're wrong. Imagine that.
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Did the Proud Boy have some falling out between founders because one was tired of pretending they weren't white supremacist?

This guy?
Here’s one thing extremist group leader Enrique Tarrio might not be so proud of — being a snitch.

According to a new report, the Proud Boys chairman worked undercover as an informant for federal and local law enforcement authorities after he was arrested in 2012.
With a name like Enrique Tarrio, I know no one can accuse you, or anyone else in your loosely-connected, semi-formal group of mostly angry Right Wing males, of being white supremacist...

I don't know if the Proud Boys keep formal minutes, or bylaws, so it's hard to say conclusively what they are or are not. Certainly some of them are white supremacist, or flirt with white supremacist slogans/memes/beliefs both online and in person. One of the other founders, Gavin McInnis, seems like one. The company you keep, right?
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There isn't a single shred of evidence in that article you posted. Nothing you've said was backed up by anything - you basically posted an editorial piece, there's no actual evidence for any claim you've made. None of it, including your presumptions about Patriot Prayer and the Proud Boys are supported by any evidence - every shred of actual evidence disproves your assertions about Ngo and those groups. That's just a fact.

Who? What white supremacists are they aligning themselves with? C'mon Megan Markle, name some racists for us.

Well, maybe that's because he's a journalist, and not an agitator. I'll ask again, do you have any video evidence of him provoking the otherwise peaceful violent terrorists? Or do you mean him covering them for the violent terrorists they are is the provocation?

Maybe they're just smart enough to see that Antifa are a bunch of fascist terrorists - something you're clearly in denial about. So maybe the reason you don't have any evidence is because you're wrong. Imagine that.

Not going around in circles anymore. You've posted jack shit. I've posted evidence. You can call them "basically an editorial piece" but that doesn't make them so. Bye.
?We will no longer cuck to the left by appointing token negroes as our leaders. We will no longer allow homosexuals or other ?undesirables? into our ranks. We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilisation.

?We recognise that the West was built by the White Race alone and we owe nothing to any other race.?
Hey, that's just like... an editorial, or something.

Quit jumping through hoops to justify violence against Andy Ngo, a peaceful journalist - who doesn't actually do journalism, just posts YouTube videos and goes on Tucker Carlson - who is only documenting the hate and violence white supremacists and Neo-Nazis get when they travel to Portland carrying hammers and bats to beat up the people who live there...

I'm not being sarcastic.
I'm just here for the fun and the friends. Don't let me interrupt.


Not going around in circles anymore. You've posted jack shit. I've posted evidence. You can call them "basically an editorial piece" but that doesn't make them so. Bye.

no, you haven't. What you've posted is basically an editorial because it contains no actual evidence. I've posted a video that shows Ngo being assaulted. I've disputed every claim you've made or asked for evidence to support your claims to which you've posted nothing other than an article that's basically a "dear diary" post of unsupported accusations.

You claimed a video exists showing Ngo organizing with the Proud Boys - I've asked three times if you could post it. You can't, because it doesn't exist. In fact you posted an article where a Proud Boy says Andy Ngo refused protection from them. Where is the evidence that Ngo has done any of the things you've accused him of? Where is the evidence that the Proud Boys are a white supremacist far right group?
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No, his name is Kyle Chapman and he was upset with Tarrio. Probably still is.

Is he running the Proud Boys now? Last time a link like this was posted, another was posted that quoted Tarrio, the group's founder (again, an Afro-Cuban immigrant, or son of an immigrant) as saying Chapman's coup failed for lack of support and he had been expelled from the group for his racist views.
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“We will no longer cuck to the left by appointing token negroes as our leaders. We will no longer allow homosexuals or other ‘undesirables’ into our ranks. We will confront the Zionist criminals who wish to destroy our civilisation.

“We recognise that the West was built by the White Race alone and we owe nothing to any other race.”
Hey, that's just like... an editorial, or something.

Quit jumping through hoops to justify violence against Andy Ngo, a peaceful journalist - who doesn't actually do journalism, just posts YouTube videos and goes on Tucker Carlson - who is only documenting the hate and violence white supremacists and Neo-Nazis get when they travel to Portland carrying hammers and bats to beat up the people who live there...

I'm not being sarcastic.

No, you're being dumb. Nothing new.
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This guy?
Here’s one thing extremist group leader Enrique Tarrio might not be so proud of — being a snitch.

According to a new report, the Proud Boys chairman worked undercover as an informant for federal and local law enforcement authorities after he was arrested in 2012.
With a name like Enrique Tarrio, I know no one can accuse you, or anyone else in your loosely-connected, semi-formal group of mostly angry Right Wing males, of being white supremacist...

I don't know if the Proud Boys keep formal minutes, or bylaws, so it's hard to say conclusively what they are or are not. Certainly some of them are white supremacist, or flirt with white supremacist slogans/memes/beliefs both online and in person. One of the other founders, Gavin McInnis, seems like one. The company you keep, right?

From your piece:

Officials said Tarrio helped authorities prosecute more than a dozen people in various cases involving drugs, gambling and human smuggling, according to Reuters, which cited a former prosecutor and a transcript of a 2014 federal court proceeding.

Sounds like a real bad guy - he helped put drug dealers and human smugglers in jail. I sure hope Antifa gets him, we can't have people like that walking around supporting conservative politicians. He probably just did that so the feds would look the other way and let him get away with all his white supremacist stuff. (fyi gulo, this paragraph contains a considerable amount of sarcasm).

With a name like Enrique Tarrio, I know no one can accuse you, or anyone else in your loosely-connected, semi-formal group of mostly angry Right Wing males, of being white supremacist...

It's not just his name - he's actually black. I guess that makes him like Clayton Bigsby, if Clayton Bigsby wasn't blind - or a snitch. LOLOLOLOL, you just can't make this shit up - you are just crushing it today! You are such a clown.
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well, I hope not. I don't want a bunch of Patriot Prayer goons hitting me with bats and hammers

Hey, did you read the links and watch the videos I posted?

do you still think Andy Ngo was hit by a concrete milkshake and was an innocent journalist reporting on these events?

I watched them. To answer your question: I have reason to conclude that no cement was harmed in the assault of this guy. I don?t know who he is exactly, or what he does, except agitate people on the fringe, which I define as anyone who mindlessly initiates force against others, perceived as opposition.
Is he running the Proud Boys now? Last time a link like this was posted, another was posted that quoted Tarrio, the group's founder (again, an Afro-Cuban immigrant, or son of an immigrant) as saying Chapman's coup failed for lack of support and he had been expelled from the group for his racist views.

He got cancelled? Dang. Happening to everybody. Slippery slope.

Again, you're jumping through a lot of hoops to make Ngo look like he's an agitator organizing with right wing groups, that those groups are white supremacists or are affiliated with white supremacists, and that they are the ones instigating all this violence.

I watched all the almost 18 minutes of the video in your article - he doesn't say a word, it's just him following them around - he even keeps his distance from them, you don't even see him talking to anyone in it. And the article doesn't link to a video of the "Cider Riot" or whatever it's called - it just talks about right wingers posting "edited" versions of the fight video.

The only "action" you see Ngo involved in is him getting punched, kicked and having things thrown at him (which you dismiss as him just getting a milkshake thrown in his face, how bad could that be?). Show us the video of him actually "organizing" with these groups and not just following them around. Or how about the video of him provoking the people who assaulted him. all you've done so far is victim blaming to discredit a guy who exposes violence you seem to be ok with. By the way, even if he is provoking them, the violent assault isn't justified - you know that right, or were you sick the day they taught that in law school?
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I always thought the idiom 'jumping through hoops' was about the required steps being taken being excessive. Not that there was anything wrong with the objective.
Well, good morning.

What are we crying about today? Who got "cancelled" in the last 24 hours? Woody Woodpecker? Popeye? Chilly Willy?

How far down the slippery slope are we now? Are we picking up speed?
Well, good morning.

What are we crying about today? Who got "cancelled" in the last 24 hours? Woody Woodpecker? Popeye? Chilly Willy?

How far down the slippery slope are we now? Are we picking up speed?

I see South Park as a canary in this coal mine.