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Internet Censorship.

He was caught on tape organizing with the Proud Boys, but since I already know mack luvs the proud boys, I assume that makes Andy Ngo a holy angel who is fighting for American or something, against the menace of "Antifa"

do you have any evidence of this? I did a google, bing and youtube search and found nothing linking him to any video or other evidence of him organizing or conspiring in any way with the Proud Boys. I did see the Rolling Stone piece where they say Andy Ngo used a "milkshake to the face" to manipulate politicians and talking heads to take on his cause.

Make sure to tell your kids to be careful with their next milkshake - we don't want anyone getting a concussion:

feel free to find out for yourself.

Nah. I'd would take CBS's word for it if I was really interested, but I haven't heard a reason to be concerned yet.

I've seen enough "People just don't like Trump because he tweets the wrong stuff" and "People can't handle me because I tell the truth".

If he's chummy with the Proud Boys and has some public presence, I'd be surprised if there was nobody calling him a Nazi.
He was caught on tape organizing with the Proud Boys, but since I already know mack luvs the proud boys, I assume that makes Andy Ngo a holy angel who is fighting for American or something, against the menace of "Antifa"

This isn?t accurate. Not even remotely so. He was present at a gathering of a group called ?Prayer Patriots? and was accused of not stopping them from ?attacking? an Antifa ?hangout? on May Day, 2019.

Ngo was hit in the head once with a milk shake made with cement.
Nah. I'd would take CBS's word for it if I was really interested, but I haven't heard a reason to be concerned yet.

I've seen enough "People just don't like Trump because he tweets the wrong stuff" and "People can't handle me because I tell the truth".

If he's chummy with the Proud Boys and has some public presence, I'd be surprised if there was nobody calling him a Nazi.

lazier and lazier. You've put too much faith in MC's propaganda and are giving him a run for his money with this one.
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This isn’t accurate. Not even remotely so. He was present at a gathering of a group called “Prayer Patriots” and was accused of not stopping them from “attacking” an Antifa “hangout” on May Day, 2019.

Ngo was hit in the head once with a milk shake made with cement.

It's not in the CBS piece so...
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I watched this battle already fought on twitter like a couple years ago.

I guess the story finally made it's way up to whatever geriatric-right-wing-media-source byco and mack are reading these days.

it was NOT a cement milkshake, and Ngo is doctoring all his shit and playing it up for the clicks and pageviews.

he's just another James OKeefe or Jacob Wohl.
I watched this battle already fought on twitter like a couple years ago.

I guess the story finally made it's way up to whatever geriatric-right-wing-media-source byco and mack are reading these days.

it was NOT a cement milkshake, and Ngo is doctoring all his shit and playing it up for the clicks and pageviews.

he's just another James OKeefe or Jacob Wohl.

show us some evidence of it. just do a simple google or Bing search and find some evidence that indicates these claims that he's associated with the Proud Boys are true - bonus points if you can find the video of him organizing with them.
I watched this battle already fought on twitter like a couple years ago.

I guess the story finally made it's way up to whatever geriatric-right-wing-media-source byco and mack are reading these days.

it was NOT a cement milkshake, and Ngo is doctoring all his shit and playing it up for the clicks and pageviews.

he's just another James OKeefe or Jacob Wohl.

I watched the tape of the milkshake incident years ago and a liberal-accusation piece of his ?association? with the Prayer Patriots that you mistook with an imagined collaboration with the Proud Boys. The ?piece? was 9:00 long, with two :15 video clips and 8:45 of commentary.

If you can ID where NGO altered this video, I?m interested.

MC's propaganda? You posted and described the CBS story.

Yes, MC's propaganda. you accept all of his nonsense at face value, try to validate any of it...

I read the first search result you posted and it was about a guy admitting he was wrong and voluntarily resigning from his (crappy) band.

Did you know that?

He was caught on tape organizing with the Proud Boys, but since I already know mack luvs the proud boys, I assume that makes Andy Ngo a holy angel who is fighting for American or something, against the menace of "Antifa"

I watched this battle already fought on twitter like a couple years ago.

I guess the story finally made it's way up to whatever geriatric-right-wing-media-source byco and mack are reading these days.

it was NOT a cement milkshake, and Ngo is doctoring all his shit and playing it up for the clicks and pageviews.

he's just another James OKeefe or Jacob Wohl.

FYI, I don't love the Proud Boys - I just don't buy the narrative that a group founded and still run by an Afro-Cuban immigrant is a white supremacist hate group. But if MC reads it on CBS and VOX and posts it here, that's good enough...
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I watched the tape of the milkshake incident years ago and a liberal-accusation piece of his ?association? with the Prayer Patriots that you mistook with an imagined collaboration with the Proud Boys. The ?piece? was 9:00 long, with two :15 video clips and 8:45 of commentary.

If you can ID where NGO altered this video, I?m interested.


Good luck - he's still referring to the Center for Medical Progress videos as "heavily edited" even though all of them have been released in their full length unedited versions.
I haven't accepted anything. Too lazy to look it up. I just assumed you probably weren't telling the whole story.

you've accepted all of it. assume I'm not telling the whole story, then when MC posts his propaganda, that's affirmation of your assumption. If you don't question it, then you're not wrong.
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I watched this battle already fought on twitter like a couple years ago.

I guess the story finally made it's way up to whatever geriatric-right-wing-media-source byco and mack are reading these days.

it was NOT a cement milkshake, and Ngo is doctoring all his shit and playing it up for the clicks and pageviews.

he's just another James OKeefe or Jacob Wohl.

we all saw this years ago, it's not new to anyone. Neither is the fact that you have done nothing to verify the sources you pick your nonsense from. Same shit, different year.
you've accepted all of it. assume I'm not telling the whole story, then when MC posts his propaganda, that's affirmation of your assumption. If you don't question it, then you're not wrong.

How dare you accuse me of creating propaganda.

We Chicoms will show you no mercy when we takeover your country later this month.

our sleeper agent tigermud is preparing the cement milkshake arsenal.

(we must act before the cement hardens)
How dare you accuse me of creating propaganda.

We Chicoms will show you no mercy when we takeover your country later this month.

our sleeper agent tigermud is preparing the cement milkshake arsenal.

(we must act before the cement hardens)

Disseminating propaganda - I would never accuse you of being clever enough to create any of it, even the really stupid and obvious stuff, or to have an original thought.

And everyone knows you'd have a hard enough time just picking up a cement milkshake, let alone throwing it. I think I'll be alright.

Edit: have you found that video of Ngo organizing with the Proud Boys?
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Disseminating propaganda - I would never accuse you of being clever enough to create any of it, even the really stupid and obvious stuff, or to have an original thought.

And everyone knows you'd have a hard enough time just picking up a cement milkshake, let alone throwing it. I think I'll be alright.

Edit: have you found that video of Ngo organizing with the Proud Boys?

Oh, I see now. I just disseminated propaganda, but am not clever enough to create it... clever enough to get Gulo to fall for my disseminated propaganda though before I even posted it.

What a complex web I've managed to weave here, eh?

As far as the video, there was video and audio, and reported in several places:

Original reporting in the Portland Mercury: Undercover in Patriot Prayer: Insights From a Vancouver Democrat Who's Been Working Against the Far-Right Group from the Inside. What did they report?
Another person he includes in the “grifter” category: Andy Ngo, a conservative writer who’s built a Twitter persona around filming fights between antifa and right-wing extremists (that, and trying to convince people that hate crime allegations raised by LGBTQ+ Portlanders are simply “hoaxes”).
Ngo tags along with Patriot Prayer during demonstrations, hoping to catch footage of an altercation. Ben says Ngo doesn’t film Patriot Prayer protesters discussing strategies or motives. He only turns his camera on when members of antifa enter the scene.

“There’s an understanding,” he says, “that Patriot Prayer protects him and he protects them.”
Andy Ngo lawyered up, but never sued or did anything:
Editor’s Note: After publication of this story, a lawyer representing Andy Ngo contacted the Mercury, asking for a retraction and stating that Ngo denies certain claims made by a source quoted in this article. See the full contents of the lawyer’s request here. The Mercury stands by its reporting.
Audio was reported on here, in Willamette Week, but the soundcloud links don't work anymore:
What they said: A large man in a Proud Boys shirt says the June 29 assault on Ngo happened because he ignored Proud Boys' offer of protection. "Andy Ngo was fucking told that if he wanted protection from the PBs [Proud Boys], he went in with us and he went out with us," he says.

Why it matters: Ngo has claimed to be an independent journalist. It is increasingly clear he is coordinating his movements and his message with right-wing groups. On Aug. 26, The Portland Mercury published an allegation by a Vancouver infiltrator of the right-wing group Patriot Prayer. "There's an understanding," the man told the Mercury, "that Patriot Prayer protects him and he protects them." Ngo could not be reached for comment.
Since Andy Ngo lawyered up and sends letters demanding retractions, it's odd they'd leave this obviously defamatory reporting up if it wasn't true, truth being their only defense here.

FWIW, MediaMatters, Salon, and RollingStone all reported on the story using the same evidence. At some point, if the videos, recordings and allegations were untrue, why hasn't Andy Ngo sued all of them? All this has been reported and available online for years.

Here's a twitter thread from a HuffPo reporter who was on the scene, claiming to debunk each of Andy Ngo's claims from one of the Portland protests. Note: this is all he said/he said stuff... neither side has dispositive evidence of what went down, just their own interpretations of who started it.

For me, you can choose to believe the side of the brawlers who are openly white supremacists, armed with bats, hammers, etc. and the guys who claim not to be white supremacist (*wink wink*) but just coincidentally keep showing up alongside the white supremacists and fighting the same people the white supremacists are fighting... or the other guys. I choose the other guys.
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I think I've seen knock off blizzards described as a 'concrete'. You'd order an 'M&M concrete'.