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Internet Censorship.

Seeing how it was paid for with marketing, I wonder if it was only offered to wealthier zipcodes. Seems like it would be.
In 2006, the American Academy of Pediatrics reported that research indicated that children who watched Channel One remembered the commercials more than they remembered the news[/I].[/INDENT]

I still know it was feckin' Snickers.
I bet that only a handful of us actually recited the Pledge every day in elementary school.

I did at my elementary school, and right after the "Pledge" we had to sing "my country 'tis of thee".

Getting older and looking back at it a few years out of elementary school, I realized that the words in the pledge were just hot air, there has never been "liberty and justice for all", and don;t get me started on "under god".
I did at my elementary school, and right after the "Pledge" we had to sing "my country 'tis of thee".

Getting older and looking back at it a few years out of elementary school, I realized that the words in the pledge were just hot air, there has never been "liberty and justice for all", and don;t get me started on "under god".

Did anybody play the piano?

Without anybody playing the piano, shit gets fucked up when kids sing ?My Country ??tis of Thee? pretty quick.

With the piano?

Night and day.

there should be a term for people that never read past the headlines, or in this case just post the search results and scream about them.
I read the first search result you posted and it was about a guy admitting he was wrong and voluntarily resigning from his (crappy) band.

Did you know that?

Did you know he did that because he was called a nazi and people were calling for him to be fired and replaced from the band. He and the band were receiving all kinds of negative publicity because he made positive comments about a book from a journalist who reports on crime, particularly crime from "masked thugs who use violence to achieve peace" (that bit in the quotes is sarcasm, fyi).

That's how how cancel culture works. Did you know that?

Andy Ngo isn't a white supremacist or an ultra-right wing journalist. he reports on Antifa and their violent tactics and for that he is labeled a nazi. Did you know that?
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Did you know he did that because he was called a nazi and people were calling for him to be fired and replaced from the band. He and the band were receiving all kinds of negative publicity because he made positive comments about a book from a journalist who reports on crime, particularly crime from "masked thugs who use violence to achieve peace" (that bit in the quotes is sarcasm, fyi).

That's how how cancel culture works. Did you know that?

Andy Ngo isn't a white supremacist or an ultra-right wing journalist. he reports on Antifa and their violent tactics and for that he is labeled a nazi. Did you know that?

Never heard of the guy. But is he called a Nazi just because he reports on Antifa and their violent tactics or is there something of significance that you're leaving out?
Did you know he did that because he was called a nazi and people were calling for him to be fired and replaced from the band. He and the band were receiving all kinds of negative publicity because he made positive comments about a book from a journalist who reports on crime, particularly crime from "masked thugs who use violence to achieve peace" (that bit in the quotes is sarcasm, fyi).

That's how how cancel culture works. Did you know that?

Andy Ngo isn't a white supremacist or an ultra-right wing journalist. he reports on Antifa and their violent tactics and for that he is labeled a nazi. Did you know that?
Lol, yes I was already aware of "those versions" of the events.
Never heard of the guy. But is he called a Nazi just because he reports on Antifa and their violent tactics or is there something of significance that you're leaving out?

He was caught on tape organizing with the Proud Boys, but since I already know mack luvs the proud boys, I assume that makes Andy Ngo a holy angel who is fighting for American or something, against the menace of "Antifa"
Never heard of the guy. But is he called a Nazi just because he reports on Antifa and their violent tactics or is there something of significance that you're leaving out?

I?m familiar with Andy Ngo. He?s what he is; a guy who opposes Antifa. That gets you in Dutch with certain circles these days.
Never heard of the guy. But is he called a Nazi just because he reports on Antifa and their violent tactics or is there something of significance that you're leaving out?

Didn't realize you hearing of them was a requirement. I never heard of him before today either, so I guess it's not cancel culture, my bad (am I misunderstanding you again?)

feel free to find out for yourself. The CBS piece says he's been associated with the Proud Boys, but they offer no evidence of that. Of course they also make no mention of the smear campaign against Winston Marshall either. You can read about that here.

Of course, they don't mention Ngo was violently assaulted by Antifa while covering a rally by the Proud Boys and a counter protest by Antifa. I guess that's the "association" with the Proud Boys - doing his job as a journalist and being assaulted for it by Antifa, must mean he's a Proud Boy, otherwise why would they assault him.

Make sure you read the Vox piece on the violent attack where they spin it as not a violent assault on a journalist, but a battle of 2 competing narratives - freedom of the press and another claiming Ngo provokes otherwise peaceful leftists so he can capture them on video beating the shit out of him and giving him a concussion. There is of course, zero evidence of this other than people like Charlotte Clymer, press secretary for Human Rights Campaign an LGBTQ advocacy group, claiming that's what "she" heard he does. Andy Ngo is also gay - not that it matters. You can be a gay Asian man and still be a far right white supremacist dangerous nazi despite the fact that there's no evidence of it.