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Internet Censorship.

tearing my hair out and running in circles imagining us speaking Chinese in a few years, eating rice for lunch, and being able to comfortably ride high speed rail from NY to LA in 6 hours.

Worried about Hong Kong and Taiwan and say what you might about American de facto colonization, I think it's better than the de facto colonization of other countries including China. And most of all worried about China. Catering to the authoritarian leadership is bad for the things I think are ideals regardless of how optimistic or pessimistic I might be about the future. US media is a powerful global force for spreading ideas. It doesn't need to be a US government propaganda machine, but it definitely shouldn't be a Chinese government propaganda machine.
Worried about Hong Kong and Taiwan and say what you might about American de facto colonization, I think it's better than the de facto colonization of other countries including China. And most of all worried about China. Catering to the authoritarian leadership is bad for the things I think are ideals regardless of how optimistic or pessimistic I might be about the future. US media is a powerful global force for spreading ideas. It doesn't need to be a US government propaganda machine, but it definitely shouldn't be a Chinese government propaganda machine.

It's amusing watching some of my liberal friends (typically the ones I'd consider "overeducated and underemployed") rant about the threat Russia poses, while reading posts from Republitards (undereducated and underemployed) rant about China.

in the former case, they never really have an answer when you ask what they want to do about Russia.

in the latter, they have the serious mental disconnect about why all our manufacturing went to China and what to do about it.
Paint the picture then. Give examples.

conservative speakers have been disinvited and banned from college campuses, students have demanded and gotten commencement speakers replaced.

A liberal Yale professor resigned after student and faculty marched in protest of an email she wrote objecting to PC attempts to censor Halloween costumes.

Gina Carano fired from Disney for similar comments to those made by Pedro Pascal, but as a conservative.

Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington have their names removed from public schools in San Francisco.

The President of the United States barred from social media platforms.

Amazon refusing to sell books by conservative authors (Amazon is >80% of the market - that's censorship and it's cancel culture).

Media Matters consistently pressures companies calling for boycotts of their products for the sin of advertising on Fox News shows.

Skidmore college professor David Peterson is being boycotted for ATTENDING a pro police rally - neither carried a sign or openly supported the movement, he merely wanted to hear what the speakers had to say.

Senator Josh Hawley dropped by his publisher and Dem senators calling for his resignation for questioning the results of a highly questionable election.

Goya foods boycotted for the owner openly supporting the President (didn't work, but that doesn't mean it's not cancel culture).

Adam Rubenstein lost his job at the NYT for editing and publishing a piece by Sen Tom Cotton.

Megyn Kelly fired by NBC after comments about blackface.

Bret Weinstein resigned from Evergreen State College due to pressure from students for his failure to participate in the Day of Absence - he was accused of being racist, intolerant and a threat to the safety of minority students - he's almost as beta as MC.

Then there was the violent protest against Charles Murray at Middleburry where liberal professor Lara Stanger ended up in a neck brace for the sin of interviewing Murray.

Angry mobs did thousands of dollars of damage in a protest that resulted in teh cancellation of a Milo Yanopolis speech.

JK Rowling is now a pariah per the woke mob for being "transphobic" because she said men aren't women - or something really awful like that.

My Pillow was dumped by 20 retailers for the owner's vocal support of Trump and questioning the election results.

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon

It's happening to products too - Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben both cancelled.

Nike cancelled two shoe launches - one because the "Air" symbol might offend Muslims and the other because the Betsy Ross flag offended Colin Kapernack.

Several Disney classics have been removed from their "kids" section and several are in the crosshairs to be removed altogether.

Dr Seuss books
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conservative speakers have been disinvited and banned from college campuses, students have demanded and gotten commencement speakers replaced.

A liberal Yale professor resigned after student and faculty marched in protest of an email she wrote objecting to PC attempts to censor Halloween costumes.

Gina Carano fired from Disney for similar comments to those made by Pedro Pascal, but as a conservative.

Lincoln, Jefferson and Washington have their names removed from public schools in San Francisco.

The President of the United States barred from social media platforms.

Amazon refusing to sell books by conservative authors (Amazon is >80% of the market - that's censorship and it's cancel culture).

Media Matters consistently pressures companies calling for boycotts of their products for the sin of advertising on Fox News shows.

Skidmore college professor David Peterson is being boycotted for ATTENDING a pro police rally - neither carried a sign or openly supported the movement, he merely wanted to hear what the speakers had to say.

Senator Josh Hawley dropped by his publisher and Dem senators calling for his resignation for questioning the results of a highly questionable election.

Goya foods boycotted for the owner openly supporting the President (didn't work, but that doesn't mean it's not cancel culture).

Adam Rubenstein lost his job at the NYT for editing and publishing a piece by Sen Tom Cotton.

Megyn Kelly fired by NBC after comments about blackface.

Bret Weinstein resigned from Evergreen State College due to pressure from students for his failure to participate in the Day of Absence - he was accused of being racist, intolerant and a threat to the safety of minority students - he's almost as beta as MC.

JK Rowling is now a pariah per the woke mob for being "transphobic" because she said men aren't women - or something really awful like that.

My Pillow was dumped by 20 retailers for the owner's vocal support of Trump and questioning the election results.

Apu Nahasapeemapetilon

It's happening to products too - Aunt Jemima and Uncle Ben both cancelled.

Nike cancelled two shoe launches - one because the "Air" symbol might offend Muslims and the other because the Betsy Ross flag offended Colin Kapernack.

Several Disney classics have been removed from their "kids" section and several are in the crosshairs to be removed altogether.

Dr Seuss books

These aren't all the same; some I think you aren't describing with enough context, some are deserved, and some are exceptions where someone gets told no in one place and turns around and gets told yes elsewhere else. Remove that and what's left is a mountain made out of a molehill.
A handful of tweets about a boycott isn't a boycott. Amazon censoring a book probably means the book deserves it. They have a scary amount of power, but a quick search turns up books by Hannity, Marsha Blackburn, Josh Hawley, Ben Shapiro...I don't think they are just removing books by conservatives.
Worried about Hong Kong and Taiwan and say what you might about American de facto colonization, I think it's better than the de facto colonization of other countries including China. And most of all worried about China. Catering to the authoritarian leadership is bad for the things I think are ideals regardless of how optimistic or pessimistic I might be about the future. US media is a powerful global force for spreading lies. It doesn't need to be a US government propaganda machine, but it definitely shouldn't be a Chinese government propaganda machine.

not if it means we get high speed rail and fify.
A handful of tweets about a boycott isn't a boycott. Amazon censoring a book probably means the book deserves it. They have a scary amount of power, but a quick search turns up books by Hannity, Marsha Blackburn, Josh Hawley, Ben Shapiro...I don't think they are just removing books by conservatives.

this is even lazier than MC's usual garbage. I know you debunked the whole "slippery slope" thing but that's what this clearly is...
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These aren't all the same; some I think you aren't describing with enough context, some are deserved, and some are exceptions where someone gets told no in one place and turns around and gets told yes elsewhere else. Remove that and what's left is a mountain made out of a molehill.

of course they're not the same, no one said they're the same. There's no requirement that they be the same. They're all part of cancel culture. Gina Carano getting a job from the Daily Wire doesn't mean her being fired by Disney means she wasn't cancelled - that's absurd, it's dumb actually. The idea that cancel culture isn't a thing because sometimes there are alternatives for the cancelled is the most moronic argument for the non-existence of cancel culture I've heard yet.
of course they're not the same, no one said they're the same. There's no requirement that they be the same. They're all part of cancel culture. Gina Carano getting a job from the Daily Wire doesn't mean her being fired by Disney means she wasn't cancelled - that's absurd, it's dumb actually. The idea that cancel culture isn't a thing because sometimes there are alternatives for the cancelled is the most moronic argument for the non-existence of cancel culture I've heard yet.

You consistently misunderstand every possible thing. I point out they aren't all the same so you understand that no one point I'm about to make applies to all of them. The alternate venues point was more about the university stuff. People got talks cancelled at one university turned around and gave them at others. Carano, as I understand it, was asked to stop posting overtly political stuff while she was getting attention associated with Disney and wouldn't.
These aren't all the same; some I think you aren't describing with enough context, some are deserved, and some are exceptions where someone gets told no in one place and turns around and gets told yes elsewhere else. Remove that and what's left is a mountain made out of a molehill.

besides... corporations changing branding/messaging isn't "cancel culture" ...it's a cynical marketing ploy.

And you could make a similar list for the left, except corporations firing workers for organizing or complaining about their working conditions is an actual, serious consequence, since the workers are economically vulnerable poor people without widespread platforms to air their greivances... not already famous & wealthy celebrities like Megyn Kelly, or JK Rowling, who still have wide audiences for their drivel, and get lionized by COnservative media for "their suffering."

academic consequences... off the top of my head...

Norman Finkelstrein denied tenure at Loyola Chicago

Steven Salaita fired from the University of Illinois

I'm sure I can find others denied tenure, or fired for holding beliefs outside the "Overton Window" of what's acceptable political discourse in America. Don't criticize Israel!

plenty of books like this have been published and sold in mainstream bookstores for decades...

For god's sake starting in the 50's this country blacklisted dozens of celebrities & writers for simply belonging to the communist party at some point, simply knowing someone who did, or refusing to name names. That was the Original Cancel Culture.

And we have a widespread, longstanding censorship board, that operates in secret, includes Christian clergy, and prevents movies that challenge Conservative American morals or government policies from reaching widespread audiences, all exposed in this documentary (which was likewise restricted from widespread distribution by Hollywood).
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And we have a widespread, longstanding censorship board

I guess I need to clarify, I'm not saying this doesn't exist. I'm saying it's not some clear trend pointing towards the doomsday predictions people are making. A Pepe LePew scene got cut from a script and there are no more guns in new Looney Tunes...from that, people complain that like half a dozen character have been cancelled, which hasn't happened. Mountains out of molehills.
You consistently misunderstand every possible thing. I point out they aren't all the same so you understand that no one point I'm about to make applies to all of them. The alternate venues point was more about the university stuff. People got talks cancelled at one university turned around and gave them at others. Carano, as I understand it, was asked to stop posting overtly political stuff while she was getting attention associated with Disney and wouldn't.

I understand perfectly. being able to speak at one university doesn't cancel out being cancelled at another. It doesn't explain the imbalance between who gets to speak and who doesn't at these censorial universities, nor does it explain and certainly doesn't disprove the growing trend on college campuses.

Carano, as I understand it is free to express her opinions on her personal social media as she sees fit - it has no bearing on her ability to do her job. Kapernick pulled his garbage while actually on the job and everyone was up in arms about how racist the NFL was for not hiring a player that actually wasn't very good at his job after he was cut for not being very good at his job. Did Disney ask the same of Pedro Pascal or any of their left leaning stars who make overtly political posts? Carano's post wasn't even particularly controversial - it's clear Disney was looking for a reason to fire her for the sin of being conservative. When taken as a whole, it's pretty easy to see Disney is kowtowing to the woke mob if not, overtly intolerant of conservatives themselves.
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JK Rowling is now a pariah per the woke mob for being "transphobic" because she said men aren't women - or something really awful like that.


This one is funny... she's the best-selling author in England, has a fortune estimated at over a billion dollars, has over 14 MM followers on twitter, and I guarantee if she wanted to appear on any mainstream news show right now, her publicist could arrange that, and she could reach an audience of hundreds of millions more people.

But because some people criticised her on twitter... she's a pariah?

let me help you understand English better, hysterical woman:
pariah -noun - pa?​ri?​ah | \ pə-ˈrī-ə

1 : a member of a low caste of southern India

2 : one that is despised or rejected : outcast
This one is funny... she's the best-selling author in England, has a fortune estimated at over a billion dollars, has over 14 MM followers on twitter, and I guarantee if she wanted to appear on any mainstream news show right now, her publicist could arrange that, and she could reach an audience of hundreds of millions more people.

But because some people criticised her on twitter... she's a pariah?

let me help you understand English better, hysterical woman:
pariah -noun - pa?​ri?​ah | \ pə-ˈrī-ə

1 : a member of a low caste of southern India

2 : one that is despised or rejected : outcast

"JK Rowling is now a pariah per the woke mob" - seems to fit the second definition perfectly based on woke mob response to her comments about transgenders. Good job.

Here's the thing you seem to be too dumb to comprehend - whether a cancel campaign is successful, or if the target can retreat to one of his or her estates or yachts isn't the metric for determining if cancel culture exists.
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If all these cancelled people and characters keep making money, not just any cancelled people and characters, but the exact ones people are complaining about as the examples of cancel culture, how much power does this woke mob actually have?
"JK Rowling is now a pariah per the woke mob" - seems to fit the second definition perfectly based on woke mob response to her comments about transgenders. Good job.

Here's the thing you seem to be too dumb to comprehend - whether a cancel campaign is successful, or if the target can retreat to one of his or her estates or yachts isn't the metric for determining if cancel culture exists.
I'm sorry I called you a hysterical woman. I honestly didn't look at who posted that list before I read it, and just assumed from the tone it was written by a hysterical woman.