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Internet Censorship.

I'm sorry I called you a hysterical woman. I honestly didn't look at who posted that list before I read it, and just assumed from the tone it was written by a hysterical woman.

don't flatter yourself, you couldn't possibly offend me.
THE WOKE MOB IS OUT OF CONTR...!!!...er... wait.
Cornel West leaving Harvard amid dispute over tenure position

"The move comes after Harvard rejected West?s request to convert his nontenured position to a tenured one.
It?s unclear why Harvard rejected West?s request, but he previously speculated to The New York Times that it could have been due to his age or support for the Palestinian cause.
It is definitely due to the latter.
THE WOKE MOB IS OUT OF CONTR...!!!...er... wait.
Cornel West leaving Harvard amid dispute over tenure position

"The move comes after Harvard rejected West’s request to convert his nontenured position to a tenured one.
It’s unclear why Harvard rejected West’s request, but he previously speculated to The New York Times that it could have been due to his age or support for the Palestinian cause.
It is definitely due to the latter.

Doesn't seem like the University or the student body is particularly hostile to West's misguided cause. link, link

Maybe it's not definitely due to the latter...

Edit: My wife worked at UTS for a couple months - that place is full of whack jobs, he might even be the most sane, level headed person there.
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What's the requirement we need to meet to keep 'indivisible' in the Pledge of Allegiance?
I bet that only a handful of us actually recited the Pledge every day in elementary school.

I don't remember actually - I remember doing it in public school but we moved from Cleveland to Detroit with a month left in 2nd grade where we were enrolled in Catholic school through 8th grade and I can't remember if we said the pledge or not.

Edit: my brother's memory is also not clear on this - he thinks we did, but maybe only up to 5th grade.
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In my normal catholic grade school, we did the Pledge of Allegiance every morning. I remember standing there with my hand over my heart, facing the Flag every morning

High school was a little different... In my Irish Catholic high school, one of the Christian Brothers would lead us in singing "Amhr?n na bhFiann," over the PA every morning (he was usually already slurring at 9 am).

If you "supported the troops," "the troops" were understood to be the Irish Republican Army. We had dartboards in each room with members of the British Royal Family behind them.

You could be any other religion (we were cool with Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus, etc), except Christian Protestant. If we caught you with a King James bible on campus, we'd kick your fuckin' teeth in.
I went to a catholic high school as well. We didn't do the pledge before school. During home room they had announcements on closed circuit tv. They had a small TV studio on site and students did the "news"
I went to a catholic high school as well. We didn't do the pledge before school. During home room they had announcements on closed circuit tv. They had a small TV studio on site and students did the "news"

TVs somehow paid for with a contract that required students to sit there and watch an MTV News like program with snickers commercials every day.
A story like that, I think it should be "we'd kick your fookin' teeth in."

TVs somehow paid for with a contract that required students to sit there and watch an MTV News like program with snickers commercials every day.
We had that in grade school. It was called Channel One.

I went to a catholic high school as well. We didn't do the pledge before school. During home room they had announcements on closed circuit tv. They had a small TV studio on site and students did the "news"

We had that in grade school. It was called Channel One.

This bullshit wouldn't fly in less corrupt countries, or in communist ones:
Channel One was controversial[12] largely because of the commercial content of the show. Critics claimed that it was a problem in classrooms because it forced children to watch ads and wasted class time and tax dollars.[13] Supporters argued that the ads were necessary to help keep the program running and lease TVs, VCRs, and satellite dishes to schools, as well as commercial-free educational video through Channel One Connection. In 2006, the American Academy of Pediatrics reported that research indicated that children who watched Channel One remembered the commercials more than they remembered the news.​