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Internet Censorship.

So can I not go buy a Mr Potato Head for my kids if I wanted to?

Has the Warner Bros skunk been scrubbed from all cartoons?

Maybe I'm just missing why this is a big deal and any different than any other boycott or product change that's ever taken place before.
Gender identity is pretty much CCRA too. Sorry, I am NEVER going to put all those dumbass identifiers after my name so that someone else can feel I am an OK person in their eyes.

Having "Birth Gender Identity" on anything job related is ridiculous for 99.99% of jobs today. An INDIVIDUAL can either do a job or they cannot. From a server at a restaurant to doctor in ER, pro athlete to computer tech...gender should not be on the job application because it is irrelevant to being capable. Yes, I said pro athlete. If a woman can play in the male dominated pro sport of their choosing, let them prove it on the field/court/rink/wherever and let them play if they have the ability to do so.

That said, a "John/Jane" looking for their preferred gender for a prostitute should be provided the common courtesy and decency of having the correct info provided if/when asking the question.
To clarify in seriousness though, female sports should have the right to have applicants provide accurate gender identification. THAT is an example of a job in the 0.01% category where it should be considered appropriate. HUGE difference between the male and female sports crossover thing there.
When SF changed the names of schools. Sorry, but that IMO is CCRA. Lincoln was not perfect, but he did far more good than evil. Sure he COULD ha e done more, been better...but the guy was assassinated for what he did accomplish so he was pretty much doing as good as anyone possibly could have in those circumstances. He was run through Hell during the Civil War and he paid dearly for doing everything he did. Just because he was not perfect in the eyes of SF's CC today...o would love to see any of those...ahem, ahhh...individuals...do better in his situation.

That would be going too far. And San Francisco may be that extreme of a place. But it doesn't mean Lincoln is cancelled. This hasn't even happened yet and if it does, I don't think it will start a trend. Most people will think they're going too far. I'm not immersed in this story, but I'd be disappointed if there wasn't resistance in San Francisco.
So can I not go buy a Mr Potato Head for my kids if I wanted to?

Has the Warner Bros skunk been scrubbed from all cartoons?

Maybe I'm just missing why this is a big deal and any different than any other boycott or product change that's ever taken place before.

I think they are changing Mr. Potato Head to just Potato Head. I think it's unnecessary, but I don't really care. I suspect it's virtue signaling. Or trying to get ahead of the curve with something that will get some PR so they're above reproach when they role out the next of their million other toys they cater to genders in some way.

Last time I went shopping for kids toys, there was still a pink isle.
Meanwhile people in TN are trying to get this removed from the State Capitol.
Meanwhile people in TN are trying to get this removed from the State Capitol.

Oh, so now you're going to tell me massacring prisoners of war and founding the KKK gets you cancelled? this is getting out of hand. what a slippery slope... no telling where it ends.
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So can I not go buy a Mr Potato Head for my kids if I wanted to?

Has the Warner Bros skunk been scrubbed from all cartoons?

Maybe I'm just missing why this is a big deal and any different than any other boycott or product change that's ever taken place before.

I think it?s just call potato head now.

I think it identifies in whatever way the owner wants it.
Mr. Potato Head drops the mister, sort of

Hasbro created confusion Thursday when it announced that it would drop the “Mr.” from the brand’s name in order to be more inclusive and so all could feel “welcome in the Potato Head world.” It also said it would sell a new playset this fall without the Mr. and Mrs. designations that will let kids create their own type of potato families, including two moms or two dads.

But in a tweet later that afternoon, Hasbro clarified that while the brand is changing, the actual Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head characters will still live on and be sold in stores. In a picture posted on Twitter, the “Mr.” and “Mrs.” names are less prominently displayed at the bottom of the box, instead of the top.

“While it was announced today that the POTATO HEAD brand name & logo are dropping the ‘MR.’ I yam proud to confirm that MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD aren’t going anywhere and will remain MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD,” the company tweeted.

Well, if you can believe the liberal rag AP, it's just the brand itself that got changed. So the encompassing brand is 'Potato Head' and within the brand remains Mr Potato Head and Mrs Potato Head.

I don't get the outrage. Kind of like when Dunkin' Donuts changed their name to just Dunkin'. Did you whiny fuckers complain about 'Donuts' getting cancelled even though they STILL SERVE DONUTS? Much ado about nothing.
I think it?s just call potato head now.

I think it identifies in whatever way the owner wants it.

They should go all in. Create a potato head that all kids can relate to. If I remember correctly, the toy has holes in it so you can decorate it however you want. Goofy eyes, glasses, ears, etc.

They need to get with the times. Put a hole in the chest area and in the crotch. Kids can put tits on it or take the tits off. They can attach a penis or take it off. They can have a little potato vagina too. Kids seem to really know what they want. Johnny can have they potato head with a cock on it and when they wants to change over to Jenny, they can rip the cock right off of the potato head and simply put tits and a vagina on it. Hell, it can have potato tits and a potato cock. Let the kids decide.

I think I got the pronouns right...kids are they now, not he or she...right?
With this level of very serious controversy, I don't think 1 pun is going to cut it. You do 3 or more or you do none.

After 72 years, the POTATO HEAD brand name is dropping the ?MR?, because it is tuber-densome an element to incorporate in a logo. I yam proud to confirm that MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD aren?t going anywhere and will remain MR. & MRS. POTATO HEAD. Amazing how time fries.
Erase the past will all but assure it’s repeated only in the next cycle different shades of grey
They should go all in. Create a potato head that all kids can relate to. If I remember correctly, the toy has holes in it so you can decorate it however you want. Goofy eyes, glasses, ears, etc.

They need to get with the times. Put a hole in the chest area and in the crotch. Kids can put tits on it or take the tits off. They can attach a penis or take it off. They can have a little potato vagina too. Kids seem to really know what they want. Johnny can have they potato head with a cock on it and when they wants to change over to Jenny, they can rip the cock right off of the potato head and simply put tits and a vagina on it. Hell, it can have potato tits and a potato cock. Let the kids decide.

I think I got the pronouns right...kids are they now, not he or she...right?

Why would we call such a thing Potato Head?

Why would we not just call it Jared Leto?
Article says they aren't removing it. It's just not available from the kids menu. What's so important about showing this stuff to kids?

I don't know. Nothing. There are plenty of decent kids' shows and entertainment that didn't take gratuitous shots at other races or ethnicities.

I read the article and agree with their reasons for pulling them. For the monkeys who can't read past a headline, and just cut and paste links, here's why:
For Dumbo they explained that ?the crows and musical number pay homage to racist minstrel shows, where white performers with blackened faces and tattered clothing imitated and ridiculed enslaved Africans on Southern plantations.

?The leader of the group in Dumbo is Jim Crow, which shares the name of laws that enforced racial segregation in the Southern United States.
ok, I'm GLAD they pulled that shit. What else?

And for Peter Pan they stated that ?the film portrays Native people in a stereotypical manner that reflects neither the diversity of Native peoples nor their authentic cultural traditions.
?It shows them speaking in an unintelligible language and repeatedly refers to them as ?redskins,? an offensive term.

That's racist as fuck. "Hey, let's mock these people who we committed genocide against and nearly exterminated from the face of the Earth." I'm also Glad that's gone.

I had never seen the Aristocats, but...
Meanwhile, for the beloved Aristocats, they said: ?The Siamese cat Shun Gon is depicted as a racist caricature of East Asian peoples with exaggerated stereotypical traits such as slanted eyes and buck teeth.​
OH NO!!! Our kids won't be able to watch our beloved racist childhood cartoons as easily as they could when they were in the kid's menu...!!!111 how will we ever manage to survive?!?!?

Yeah, fuck Walt Disney. I think we can do without pumping impressionable kids' minds full of this shit. Let's at least TRY to be better...

if you're still inclined to watch, you can, but you'll be subject to TRAITOROUS LIBDEM CHICOM PROPAGANDA:
However, despite this, adults will still be able to access the taboo movies ? but they will be shown with disclaimers warning viewers of what is to come.

Viewers wanting to watch the animated flicks will be told: "This program includes negative depictions and/or mistreatment of people or cultures.

"These stereotypes were wrong then and are wrong now.

"Rather than remove this content, we want to acknowledge its harmful impact, learn from it and spark conversation to create a more inclusive future together."
Far more concerned about current shows catering to the Chinese government's demands.
Far more concerned about current shows catering to the Chinese government's demands.

tearing my hair out and running in circles imagining us speaking Chinese in a few years, eating rice for lunch, and being able to comfortably ride high speed rail from NY to LA in 6 hours.