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Internet Censorship.

That's the missing context. Technically, they did stop supporting his election, before they turned around and supported it again.

7 days before the election because Trump supported him. And if we're talking about equivalents, Moore was accused of sexual misconduct by 1 person, a charge from 40 years ago a la Christine Blasey Ford and one he denied. The others said they went on dates with him when they were teenagers above the age of consent and he was in his 30s. He didn't deny that.

At best, this indicates Republicans might be as opportunistic as Democrats when it comes to censuring their own.
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7 days before the election because Trump supported him. And if we're talking about equivalents, Moore was accused of sexual misconduct by 1 person, a charge from 40 years ago a la Christine Blasey Ford and one he denied. The others said they went on dates with him when they were teenagers above the age of consent and he was in his 30s. He didn't deny that.

At best, this indicates Republicans might be as opportunistic as Democrats when it comes to censuring their own.

I thought there were multiple underage girls. Wasn't he banned from a shopping mall?
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I thought there were multiple underage girls. Wasn't he banned from a shopping mall?

the legal age of consent in Alabama is 16. He's accused by one who claimed she was 14 at the time (~40 before the accusation was made), a charge he denies. The others were above the age of consent when Moore was in his 30s, he doesn't deny dating them.
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the legal age of consent in Alabama is 16. He's accused by one who claimed she was 14 at the time (~40 before the accusation was made), a charge he denies. The others were above the age of consent when Moore was in his 30s, he doesn't deny dating them.

Still creepy. Still not a good go-to example of Republican self-policing.

This is bad. Not clear who he denies dating.
Moore denied the allegations of sexual assault. On November 10, he acknowledged having known two of the women. Two weeks later, he said that he did "not know any of these women," and he "did not date any of these women and have not engaged in any sexual misconduct with anyone".[2]

Following the report about Corfman in The Washington Post, Beverly Young Nelson, appearing with lawyer Gloria Allred, said she had received unwanted attention from Moore when she was 15 years old. Further, she said that in December 1977 or January 1978, when she was 16, Moore sexually assaulted her.[17] Nelson said that she had accepted Moore's offer of a car ride after she finished work, trusting him "because he was the District Attorney".[18] "Instead of driving to the street, he stopped the car, he parked his car in between the dumpster and the back of the restaurant, where there were no lights."[19] Then "Mr. Moore reached over and began groping me and put his hand on my breast. I tried to get out and he reached over and locked (the door) and I yelled and told him to stop," Nelson said. She said Moore put his hand on her neck and tried to force her head down on his crotch.[20] According to Nelson, Moore eventually gave up, telling her, "You're just a child, I'm the district attorney; if you tell anyone about this no one will ever believe you."[18][21]

A former colleague who worked with Moore at the Etowah County District Attorney's office from 1982 to 1985 stated, "It was common knowledge that Roy dated high school girls, everyone we knew thought it was weird [...] We wondered why someone his age would hang out at high school football games and the mall".[41][42] At least four current and former residents of Etowah County have corroborated the colleague's story. One said, "These stories have been going around this town for 30 years ... Nobody could believe they hadn't come out yet". Another said

Wendy Miller has said that Moore asked her on dates while she was working at Gadsden Mall as a Santa's helper. Moore first asked her out when she was 14 years old. Her mother would not allow them to date because of Moore's age.
If you need to bring up the "age of consent" law for any given place, 99% of the time you should probably just stop making whatever argument you're making, and go have a beer.
This is Spartanmack's selected example of Republicans self-policing. I don't see why he had to turn around and defend the guy at all.
If you need to bring up the "age of consent" law for any given place, 99% of the time you should probably just stop making whatever argument you're making, and go have a beer.

This is Spartanmack's selected example of Republicans self-policing. I don't see why he had to turn around and defend the guy at all.

I'm not defending him. You said the cases weren't equivalent and I'm agreeing with you. Moore is alleged to have done something that wasn't illegal and very likely involved consent from a counterparty legally able to give consent and still, he was dropped by the party. Biden and Harris still haven't said a word about Cuomo and Schumer and Gillibrand only spoke out once they were threatened with being primaried.

It took almost 20 years for the Dems to stop defending Bill Clinton, a guy who they backed for a second term after being credibly accused of rape and/or sexual assault by multiple women. Then after his tenure, they continued to parade him all over the country for fund raising and campaigning despite rumors of his activity with underaged women. the guy had phone numbers for something like 17 burner phones in Jeffrey Epstein's black book and still he was the face of the party. how about Eric Swalwell - for his efforts to fraudulently overturn an election, he hasn't even been reprimanded let alone asked to resign from his office or seats on House Intelligence and Homeland Security Committees after having an affair with a Chinese spy.

Please, spare this nonsense about how Dems are better at policing their own.
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I'm not defending him.

When you say he's "alleged to have done something that wasn't illegal and very likely involved consent from a counterparty legally able to give consent"

That is an extremely defensive way to describe

"she said that in December 1977 or January 1978, when she was 16, Moore sexually assaulted her."
When you say he's "alleged to have done something that wasn't illegal and very likely involved consent from a counterparty legally able to give consent"

That is an extremely defensive way to describe

"she said that in December 1977 or January 1978, when she was 16, Moore sexually assaulted her."

good selective editing but I'm still not defending him. And nice job keeping this discussion focused on Moore so you don't have to explain how the Dems backing a sexual predator and alleged child rapist like Clinton for decades doesn't disprove your claim that they're more aggressive with their self-policing. And don't forget about Swalwell. Or Akin. Or Omar. Or Rangell. See the internet for context.
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There's a strategy here I'll have to keep an eye out for. It's an out there conspiracy theory, but it could work. If the Dems want to pass something without too much attention, part of the strategy could include cancelling something. Want a $1.9 T covid bill with a bigger scope than covid? Call up Hasbro and the Dr. Seuss Foundation and get them to cancel some stuff to distract the right wing media.
I saw this the other day: MHSAA opposes bill on transgender athletes.

sounds like those of us who smelled another pointless GOP political stink were right:
There's no need for a proposed state law that would prevent transgender high school athletes from playing on the sport that aligns with the student's gender identity, the state high school athletic association recently said.

That's because the Michigan High School Athletic Association already has a policy for transgender athletes that a spokesman says works, and because the broad nature of the recently filed bill may prevent girls across the state from participating in sports.

In the last five years, only 10 student athletes have used the association's transgender athlete policy, said spokesman Geoff Kimmerly. All 10 were found in compliance and allowed to play, he said.

"We believe this legislation is unnecessary ? compared to 180,000 high school athletes we have annually, these requests are the tiniest of percentages ? and we have a policy in place that works for our schools and has been followed without issue," Kimmerly said in an email on Friday.

another mountain out of a molehill...

State Sen. Lana Theis, R-Brighton, introduced the bill last week with 12 other Republicans.
well, now that they had to stop screaming for their supporters to storm the state capital after a few took them a little too literally, they really don't have anything else to do...
There's a strategy here I'll have to keep an eye out for. It's an out there conspiracy theory, but it could work. If the Dems want to pass something without too much attention, part of the strategy could include cancelling something. Want a $1.9 T covid bill with a bigger scope than covid? Call up Hasbro and the Dr. Seuss Foundation and get them to cancel some stuff to distract the right wing media.

they don't need to distract the right wing media to pass a $1.9T covid bill - they just did that even with the "right wing" media pointing out that hardly any of it went to treat COVID or distribute/administer the vaccines and it's mostly just handouts to their preferred special interest groups and/or bribing stupid people with their own money.

Anyway, it looks like rather than create a distraction their strategy is to have their puppet (Joe Biden) go around from state to state lying about what's in the bill and why it's good for Americans.
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I saw this the other day: MHSAA opposes bill on transgender athletes.

sounds like those of us who smelled another pointless GOP political stink were right:
There's no need for a proposed state law that would prevent transgender high school athletes from playing on the sport that aligns with the student's gender identity, the state high school athletic association recently said.

That's because the Michigan High School Athletic Association already has a policy for transgender athletes that a spokesman says works, and because the broad nature of the recently filed bill may prevent girls across the state from participating in sports.

In the last five years, only 10 student athletes have used the association's transgender athlete policy, said spokesman Geoff Kimmerly. All 10 were found in compliance and allowed to play, he said.

"We believe this legislation is unnecessary ? compared to 180,000 high school athletes we have annually, these requests are the tiniest of percentages ? and we have a policy in place that works for our schools and has been followed without issue," Kimmerly said in an email on Friday.

another mountain out of a molehill...

State Sen. Lana Theis, R-Brighton, introduced the bill last week with 12 other Republicans.
well, now that they had to stop screaming for their supporters to storm the state capital after a few took them a little too literally, they really don't have anything else to do...

really helpful piece. No mention of what that policy is or how or who it works for. maybe they haven't heard of the Equality Act which would probably override the MHSAA policy. Good job, very thorough - you've convinced everyone who was already convinced (you and gulo).
really helpful piece. No mention of what that policy is or how or who it works for. maybe they haven't heard of the Equality Act which would probably override the MHSAA policy. Good job, very thorough - you've convinced everyone who was already convinced (you and gulo).

You can call them and ask what that policy is, or maybe find it on their website if that level of detail is really so important to you.

I suppose now you'll tell us you're also an expert on youth sports administration and will decide if the MHSAA's rule is good enough...
You can call them and ask what that policy is, or maybe find it on their website if that level of detail is really so important to you.

I suppose now you'll tell us you're also an expert on youth sports administration and will decide if the MHSAA's rule is good enough...

it's important context that was probably intentionally left out of the article - and by you. I'm not the one pretending to be an expert here - you're quoting someone you believe to be an expert but have no details for what makes him an expert. What makes him an expert on gender issues in sports? And when he says it works, how does it work and who does it work for? The piece also doesn't quote any of the athletes or parents or anyone for that matter who may disagree with this person. I guess that means there's no opposition to it at all - MHSAA has solved gender issues in sports. You just accept it at face value and think that's enough to conclude that biological boys competing with girls isn't or never would be a problem. There's no evidence here other than some MHSAA administrator giving their opinion.
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it's important context that was probably intentionally left out of the article - and by you. I'm not the one pretending to be an expert here - you're quoting someone you believe to be an expert but have no details for what makes him an expert. What makes him an expert on gender issues in sports? And when he says it works, how does it work and who does it work for? The piece also doesn't quote any of the athletes or parents or anyone for that matter who may disagree with this person. I guess that means there's no opposition to it at all - MHSAA has solved gender issues in sports. You just accept it at face value and think that's enough to conclude that biological boys competing with girls isn't or never would be a problem. There's no evidence here other than some MHSAA administrator giving their opinion.
