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Internet Censorship.

Called them what names? I don't see where she called anyone names.

re-tweeted name calling either way sounds like she might subscribe to one of those wacky Jewish conspiracy theories if I had to guess.
re-tweeted name calling either way sounds like she might subscribe to one of those wacky Jewish conspiracy theories if I had to guess.

If you're talking about the article you sent, she re-tweeted someone accusing her tweets of being equivalent to name calling. It was someone attacking her that she re-tweeted. Not something she was advocating.
If you're talking about the article you sent, she re-tweeted someone accusing her tweets of being equivalent to name calling. It was someone attacking her that she re-tweeted. Not something she was advocating.


Rep. Omar’s tweets were promptly condemned among Jewish advocacy groups. AIPAC responded: “We are proud that we are engaged in the democratic process to strengthen the US-Israel relationship. Our bipartisan efforts are reflective of American values and interests. We will not be deterred in any way by ill-informed and illegitimate attacks on this important work.”

The American Jewish Committee called her tweets “stunningly anti-Semitic.”

Her comments also drew scorn from her fellow Democrats. Rep. Max Rose (D-N.Y.) wrote, “When someone uses hateful and offensive tropes and words against people of any faith, I will not be silent. Congresswoman Omar’s statements are deeply hurtful to Jews, including myself.”

“Implying that Americans support Israel because of money alone is offensive enough,” Rose’s statement continued. “But to go a step further, and retweet someone declaring their parent at her sentiment is simply unacceptable. At a time when anti-Semitic attacks are on the rise, our leaders should not be invoking hurtful stereotypes and caricatures of Jewish people to dismiss those who support Israel.”

This is not Rep. Omar’s first time being accused of trafficking in anti-Semitic tropes. Before entering Congress, she wrote that Israel “hypnotized the world,” comments she later said she didn’t understand why Jews found offensive. More recently Rep. Omar used Holocaust Remembrance Day to downplay the Holocaust.

UPDATE: Rep. Omar has issued a statement on her tweets after senior Democrats condemned her:
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if I'm reading this correctly, you think she's saying Jews are "hooknosed" because she retweeted a guy who said that word while criticising her earlier comments.

Jesus H. Christ man, would it kill you to just read what she said and decide for yourself if it's anti-semitic or not?

I think the world would be a better place if twitter just went out of business and people stopped tweeting
I think the world would be a better place if twitter just went out of business and people stopped tweeting

Ok, instead of just taking the time to read what she said and think for yourself about it, you'd rather twitter go out of business so you don't have to?
Ok, instead of just taking the time to read what she said and think for yourself about it, you'd rather twitter go out of business so you don't have to?

I read a lot of stuff too quickly constant rapid focus shifting. I'll try to get better. But no all in all i'd rather twitter, FB and others all go out of business since they keep banning people all the time. who needs em. nobody. bunch of chicom sell outs.
They aren't that's just what the left wants everybody to believe in order to justify taking away their rights to freedom of speech and to do business on the internet. We are slowly becoming more and more like the ChiComs' it's not good. The left cheers while not realizing that once the right is all de-platformed, they are all next. bunch of useful idiots. Mich chump seems angry again today?

Yeah, that's the point I'm making too - the SPLC is full of shit. They're a left wing hate group that has no credibility among anyone who is not an idiot.

turd is angry every day - he's one of those leftist simpletons who is always looking for a reason to be pissed off.
I read a lot of stuff too quickly constant rapid focus shifting. I'll try to get better. But no all in all i'd rather twitter, FB and others all go out of business since they keep banning people all the time. who needs em. nobody. bunch of chicom sell outs.

no need to apologize. Ilhan Omar actively supports the BDS movement which is decidedly anti-Semitic. She dodged questions about it during her campaign but admitted she has always supported it after being elected - presumably because she didn't want to alienate the Jewish Democratic vote. It takes a special kind of spineless opportunist to not tell Jews she hates them until after they voted for her.
YouTube has announced that it will no longer recommend videos that “come close to” violating its community guidelines, such as conspiracy or medically inaccurate videos.
The issue is the establishment “fact checkers” in control of deciding what’s a conspiracy or what’s inaccurate is completely biased in favor of radical leftists.

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no need to apologize. Ilhan Omar actively supports the BDS movement which is decidedly anti-Semitic. She dodged questions about it during her campaign but admitted she has always supported it after being elected - presumably because she didn't want to alienate the Jewish Democratic vote. It takes a special kind of spineless opportunist to not tell Jews she hates them until after they voted for her.

Omar was in the news again today. Smh
Alex Jones is going to have to give a sworn deposition

In reaction to this story, I saw comments - some suggesting that he's a sort of false flag operation himself, intentionally discrediting legit conspiracy theories by mixing them up with false ones and acting crazy. To refute this idea, someone pointed out that he claimed to have forgotten his own kid's name during a custody hearing because he ate a big bowl of chili.

Alex Jones is going to have to give a sworn deposition

In reaction to this story, I saw comments - some suggesting that he's a sort of false flag operation himself, intentionally discrediting legit conspiracy theories by mixing them up with false ones and acting crazy. To refute this idea, someone pointed out that he claimed to have forgotten his own kid's name during a custody hearing because he ate a big bowl of chili.


He'll likely lose that lawsuit, if it that or the SC witch hunt doesn't put him out of business he should consider moving to a more of a behind the scenes roll and let the more sane people that work for him do most of the talking and show hosting IMO. AJ is a lunatic sometimes and ultimately hurts the brand and makes it way to hard for people to defend him. all IMO of course.
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behind the seances? man, you really are into some weird shit.

also, who are these "more sane people" who work for Alex Jones?
behind the seances? man, you really are into some weird shit.

also, who are these "more sane people" who work for Alex Jones?

ty for pointing out the misspelling I've now corrected it.
David Knight is pretty sane would be one for example. IMO. much less hyper.

IW is so much more than just the gay frog but I get it, he's the owner and the face of it all, I totally get the hate and disdain for him, I find myself listing to him less and less and the others more and more and I do still enjoy some of their snake oil products. If they get shut down and I can't buy my snake oil anymore I'm going to be pissed.
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Alex Jones is going to have to give a sworn deposition

In reaction to this story, I saw comments - some suggesting that he's a sort of false flag operation himself, intentionally discrediting legit conspiracy theories by mixing them up with false ones and acting crazy. To refute this idea, someone pointed out that he claimed to have forgotten his own kid's name during a custody hearing because he ate a big bowl of chili.


so the judge had to order him to submit to the depos... ie he was refusing and contesting them.

he keeps contesting and losing motions. That's usually when a defendant sees the writing on the wall, and realizes it's time to open up the checkbook and settle before you spend $100,000's more in legal bills. and keep your mouth shut.

and if he's needlessly delaying depos and what not in bad faith, and the other side has to go back to court just to get him to show up and do what he's legally obligated to, he could get stuck paying THE OTHER SIDE's attorneys fees as well.