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Internet Censorship.

You can't move the locations of measurements taken in the past. You can take all the measurements you want now. There are buoys out in the ocean and satellite measurements and more calibrated weather stations than ever. But to compare things to the past, you have to have an estimate of current and historic heat island effects.

And high temp forecasts have improved. I don't know what you're talking about with this idea that they've gotten worse.

Not worse necessarily just not great nor impressive, bottom line I?m not convinced it should be any higher on the importance list than it is I don?t rule out a man made geo engeering cluster fk though that may be causing irreversible damange

You?re going to have to pipe down now the lions are on
Conservative journalist Laura Loomer removed from Facebook after questioning Jihadi congressional candidates in Minnesota


Former Project Veritas journalist, Laura Loomer, is the latest Conservative to be removed by Facebook after she confronted two Muslim candidates at a political event.

The Unpublishing of her Facebook page comes less than 24 hours after Ms. Loomer posted her video of her being assaulted by a soon-to-be-congresswoman while asking her questions at a political rally for U.S. Congressional candidate Ilhan Omar in Minnesota on Saturday.

Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian Muslim, forcefully grabbed Laura Loomer, a Jewish independent journalist, then took her phone when Loomer approached her with questions that the congresswoman would not answer.
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Antifa, Democratic Socialists And The New World Order All Want The Same Thing: “No Borders, No Wall, No USA At All”


No matter how globalism is repackaged, it always smells the same way in the end. For decades, the globalists have subtly (or sometimes not so subtly) been moving us toward a world in which national borders have essentially been made meaningless. The ultimate goal, of course, is to merge all the nations of the world into a “one world socialist utopia” with a global government, a global economic system and even a global religion. The European Union is a model for what the elite hope to achieve eventually on a global scale. The individual nations still exist, but once inside the European Union you can travel wherever you want, economic rules have been standardized across the Union, and European institutions now have far more power than the national governments. Liberty and freedom have been greatly restricted for the “common good”, and a giant horde of nameless, faceless bureaucrats constantly micromanages the details of daily life down to the finest details. With each passing day the EU becomes more Orwellian in nature, and that is why so many in Europe are completely fed up with it.

Unfortunately, this is precisely what Antifa, the Democratic Socialists and others on the radical left want to bring to America.
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Far left group’s open incitement to violence gets zero press coverage

The mainstream media completely failed to report on Antifa members in DC yesterday, some of whom went on to assault police officers, carrying a banner which openly advertised their intention to put bullets in their political enemies.

Numerous video clips and photos show Antifa members carrying a large black banner which reads, “It takes a bullet to bash a fash.”

Except the first amendment isn't applicable to...

oh, nevermind.

should I change the name of this thread to "Conservative" Internet Censorship and then you can start one called Liberal Internet Censorship? Then I think we need a Climate Change thread for Blue. then Maybe Alex Jones is MEGA asshole for Bob.
I do agree though that Jones peddles false flags and tends to over hype things somethings.


then when nothing happens he says it didn't happen because he got the message out and prevented it. meh I don't bout all that horse crap. Ya take the good with the bad as with just about everything else. being wrong doesn't mean he shouldn't have a right to be wrong though and have his dumbass laughed at when he deserves it, nobody is right all the time. He also apologized about Sandy Hook multiple time now. He could lose that lawsuit, and I think he knows it, not sure we'll see how it turns out..that is the only one he's worried about IMO, he's about 20 others or so against him that he's countering with slap backs and IMO he's got a really good chance to win all those.
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Conservative journalist Laura Loomer removed from Facebook after questioning Jihadi congressional candidates in Minnesota


Former Project Veritas journalist, Laura Loomer, is the latest Conservative to be removed by Facebook after she confronted two Muslim candidates at a political event.

The Unpublishing of her Facebook page comes less than 24 hours after Ms. Loomer posted her video of her being assaulted by a soon-to-be-congresswoman while asking her questions at a political rally for U.S. Congressional candidate Ilhan Omar in Minnesota on Saturday.

Rashida Tlaib, a Palestinian Muslim, forcefully grabbed Laura Loomer, a Jewish independent journalist, then took her phone when Loomer approached her with questions that the congresswoman would not answer.

The Oakland Press - which is a real thing, having been around in various forms for around 175 years-
tells a different story of the Loomer Tlaib encounter.

Tlaib is a women?s rights activist- kinda inconsistent with being a Jihadist.

If your primary platform is Facebook or you need Facebook for people to find you, I would say that you?re actually not a real thing.
The Oakland Press - which is a real thing, having been around in various forms for around 175 years-
tells a different story of the Loomer Tlaib encounter.

Tlaib is a women’s rights activist- kinda inconsistent with being a Jihadist.

If your primary platform is Facebook or you need Facebook for people to find you, I would say that you’re actually not a real thing.

yeah I'm still trying to figure out why they referred to her as a Jihadist. She seems like a nice enough lady. Maybe Laura got kicked off of FB for calling her a Jihadist? idk, when do they start banning people for calling Trump a racist Nazi? This stuff is increasingly not even allowed in comedy anymore, is it? Ask Jerry.

oh wait I see it now, she claims the following. I don't know if her allegation is true or not can't say I've looked that closely into it. maybe she is right, maybe she isn't I don't really know, I would still like the right to decide for myself though and not have the cat lady decide for me.

They have both expressed hatred towards Jewish people, & are campaigning w/ pro-HAMAS Linda Sarsour, & CAIR, which is a terror org.
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The Oakland Press - which is a real thing, having been around in various forms for around 175 years-
tells a different story of the Loomer Tlaib encounter.

Tlaib is a women?s rights activist- kinda inconsistent with being a Jihadist.

If your primary platform is Facebook or you need Facebook for people to find you, I would say that you?re actually not a real thing.

Here is a link to an AP story of Loomer disrupting the production of Julius Caesar.

If you look up images, actor Gregg Henry, who plays Caesar, is clearly made to resemble Trump - as we all know, Caesar is assassinated in the play.

I find this to be in bad taste. But violence and trespassing and public disorderliness are not ways to address disagreements.

If Loomer thought there was a clear threat to the president, she should have complained to the authorities.
Here is a link to an AP story of Loomer disrupting the production of Julius Caesar.

If you look up images, actor Gregg Henry, who plays Caesar, is clearly made to resemble Trump - as we all know, Caesar is assassinated in the play.

I find this to be in bad taste. But violence and trespassing and public disorderliness are not ways to address disagreements.

If Loomer thought there was a clear threat to the president, she should have complained to the authorities.

I can agree with that. The banning all seems largely one-sided right now though. I suspect that will change in the future and everybody will be delegated to there own perspective internet ghettos while they usher in the dictatorship style Chinese good citizen score censorship equally assured mistery for all system. yippy ki eh. This would have all been underway last year instead of this year if Hillary had won IMO. I'm disappointed that trump winning didn't prevent this rather only delayed it. I had hoped we still had a chance at least. dang it I might need to try and write trump to make sure he's aware of all this garbage censorship. Half the battle is just making sure he's aware of it he's often surrounded by people who try to keep stuff from him. Anyway back on the funny farm.

Ad Platforms now banning him.


The ultimate aim is to remove him from the internet altogether. If successful he won't be the last. He's the test case. If they can remove IW they can remove anyone.

Criteo cites “violation of advertising guidelines,” fails to point out a single example

This is somewhat perplexing given that Criteo first billed itself as a libertarian-leaning company that supported free speech. Evidently, Criteo does not support free speech, it supports giant corporate monopolies deciding what you can and can’t see on the Internet.

Meanwhile, Shopify payments also contacted us to announce that they were pulling their services.

This clearly represents tortious interference, which occurs when one person intentionally damages someone else’s contractual or business relationships with a third party causing economic harm.

The mass brigading of Infowars began after CNN started a lobbying campaign attempting to have us shut down by social media giants.

In related news, video hosting platform Vimeo banned Infowars, citing our claim that there were Islamic training camps in America as the reason, despite the fact that this is completely true.

As was widely reported last week, five Islamic extremists were arrested after being caught training children to carry out school shootings.

So in other words, Big Tech is now banning us for reporting accurately about real world events. That’s the level it has reached.
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They have both expressed hatred towards Jewish people, & are campaigning w/ pro-HAMAS Linda Sarsour, & CAIR, which is a terror org.

Sarsour and CAIR deny charges of anti-Semitism and ties to Hamas.

I don't see any claims to these ties being reported in legitimate media; or even Fox News or Infowars, for that matter.

So what do I know?
Sarsour and CAIR deny charges of anti-Semitism and ties to Hamas.

I don't see any claims to these ties being reported in legitimate media; or even Fox News or Infowars, for that matter.

So what do I know?

like I said I haven't looked too closely into those allegations. I know who Linda Sarsour is though and I don't care for or agree with her message. She has a right to voice her opinions though and I would not support banning her
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...idk, when do they start banning people for calling Trump a racist Nazi? ...

Funny you mention that. here he is posing with a bunch of white trash, Neo-Nazi bikers last weekend:

You can't see it in this pic, but Cletus there with his fist raised has an SS tattoo on his other forearm.

other people highlighted it on twitter, but I can't find the pic in any of these articles... the media appears to be doing Trump a solid here by going with the less-offensive pic.

EDIT: The posts I saw on twitter confused this guy with a guy in another photo from a "Unite the Right" elsewhere the same day. (link)

So while some of his supporters are obviously neo-nazis, and he has said nice things about them, he hasn't actually stood next to any neo-nazis, at least going by the visible tattoos we can see.

Words fail me.

I actually thought I've gotten jaded enough that none of Trump's dumbass internet-trolling shit would bother me, but this is really fucked up.
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oh, and in that pic, he's covering up a Confederate flag patch with his hand.

You can see it in other pics of the same guy at the event.
Internet platforms kicking Infowars off is not "tortious interference with business" even if they don't enforce their terms of use consistently.

No attorney in his right mind would represent him in that fight.
Internet platforms kicking Infowars off is not "tortious interference with business" even if they don't enforce their terms of use consistently.

No attorney in his right mind would represent him in that fight.

They should at least provide him with an example what and how they violated it don't ya think.
Funny you mention that. here he is posing with a bunch of white trash, Neo-Nazi bikers last weekend:

You can't see it in this pic, but Cletus there with his fist raised has an SS tattoo on his other forearm.

other people highlighted it on twitter, but I can't find the pic in any of these articles... the media appears to be doing Trump a solid here by going with the less-offensive pic.

Words fail me.

I actually thought I've gotten jaded enough that none of Trump's dumbass internet-trolling shit would bother me, but this is really fucked up.

Omarosa is out calling her old pal a racist, but hasn't said anything about him being a Nazi to my knowledge.

She's saying he isn't fit to be president.