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Is the ESPN board down?

Man, I tried to look over at the pospn forum to see what was going on over there because there are a couple of posters (mainly sbee) that I wondered about and wow. It is just a train wreck. That Mike **** head is off his godamn rocker. Bob and KC don't waste your time over there. That board is dead, which is sad, but that loser is just gonna try and bring you guys down into the mud with him. It ain't worth it. Go Tigers and thanks to Monster for making this new board.
ihatebadenglish said:
[color=#006400 said:
biggunsbob[/color]]Sometimes trolls need to be corrected.. We have a sort of utopia over here and we all mostly agree with each other and try to all pull together.
But some clowns need to be blasted over at ESPN...

Everyone knows who it is..


That is hilarious!!
Bob, if you want a lively argument, make a compelling case for Timo Perez to be the left fielder. That should generate some responses.
Seriously, is the new board as slow for you guys? I've asked on there a couple times but don't get any real answer. I mean it can take 2-3 mins sometimes between loading and freeze ups. I'd like to post there from time to time but it's absurd to wait 20 secs, 1min, 2 mins.... Forget about hitting the back to go from thread to thread.
IMDB, the site for movies(Which is a good website if you like movie trivia and stuff)is set up along the same theme as the new board but it is much quicker to load by far. Are they trying to piss ppl off at ESPN? I know there are more important issues in the world but it still pisses me off!
Mikendouche has everything I post over there deleted pretty quick.

I can't believe I have not been banned yet.
There are some stragglers that should be here, and I hope they show up eventually.

But aren't we all thrilled to be done with posts like these...

Subject : Tigers Season Over

Message body: "Fact" or "Book it"

I've signed on once since this board started, and that was only to express surprise at the outrage guys like mikenbig and jz68 show at the existence of this board. Some of those guys act like ESPN majority share holders.
JimRice said:
Bob, if you want a lively argument, make a compelling case for Timo Perez to be the left fielder. That should generate some responses.

Damn it... I wanted smokey to UNLEASH THE TIMO during call ups... Imy mind he deserves a call up... LOL
batcave76 said:
IMDB, the site for movies(Which is a good website if you like movie trivia and stuff)is set up along the same theme as the new board but it is much quicker to load by far. Are they trying to piss ppl off at ESPN? I know there are more important issues in the world but it still pisses me off!

batcave, Still slow loading for me and has some other glitches still, like thread not there, to that effect, and then it will load up. Also the page shakes if while reading, a post is made.

MiThumb, and that f'n'co'ksucker thinks I always had his posts deleted and that I was a mod over there. Never have I read anything, by any poster 'anywhere', that posts more insane thoughts on the 4 sports than mikendung.

JimRice, I had regular emails and inbox with sbee, and inbox with the few remaining, like lonesometiger, michalex, DoakW, detroitdoc08, and a couple others. They just wanted at first to give espn a chance to fix it all.
It's like anything in life, fear of, or not wanting to make change. I said to at least sign up here to read and post whenever but they haven't yet.

Thanks again to Monster, He has made this a very easy and enjoyable transition here.
Look at it, 98-99% of everyone from over there ARE HERE.
[color=#006400 said:
batcave76 said:
IMDB, the site for movies(Which is a good website if you like movie trivia and stuff)is set up along the same theme as the new board but it is much quicker to load by far. Are they trying to piss ppl off at ESPN? I know there are more important issues in the world but it still pisses me off!

batcave, Still slow loading for me and has some other glitches still, like thread not there, to that effect, and then it will load up. Also the page shakes if while reading, a post is made.

MiThumb, and that f'n'co'ksucker thinks I always had his posts deleted and that I was a mod over there. Never have I read anything, by any poster 'anywhere', that posts more insane thoughts on the 4 sports than mikendung.

JimRice, I had regular emails and inbox with sbee, and inbox with the few remaining, like lonesometiger, michalex, DoakW, detroitdoc08, and a couple others. They just wanted at first to give espn a chance to fix it all.
It's like anything in life, fear of, or not wanting to make change. I said to at least sign up here to read and post whenever but they haven't yet.

Thanks again to Monster, He has made this a very easy and enjoyable transition here.
Look at it, 98-99% of everyone from over there ARE HERE.
Boy, I doubt 98%. I see some guys are posting alot more like Bob, Monster, Mitch...But it looks like alotta guys have stopped posting here or on ESPN. Nor-Cal, Bum, Tony...Ron you mite remember more guys from the past(?) But it's cool!
batcave76 said:
[color=#006400 said:

batcave, Still slow loading for me and has some other glitches still, like thread not there, to that effect, and then it will load up. Also the page shakes if while reading, a post is made.

MiThumb, and that f'n'co'ksucker thinks I always had his posts deleted and that I was a mod over there. Never have I read anything, by any poster 'anywhere', that posts more insane thoughts on the 4 sports than mikendung.

JimRice, I had regular emails and inbox with sbee, and inbox with the few remaining, like lonesometiger, michalex, DoakW, detroitdoc08, and a couple others. They just wanted at first to give espn a chance to fix it all.
It's like anything in life, fear of, or not wanting to make change. I said to at least sign up here to read and post whenever but they haven't yet.

Thanks again to Monster, He has made this a very easy and enjoyable transition here.
Look at it, 98-99% of everyone from over there ARE HERE.
Boy, I doubt 98%. I see some guys are posting alot more like Bob, Monster, Mitch...But it looks like alotta guys have stopped posting here or on ESPN. Nor-Cal, Bum, Tony...Ron you mite remember more guys from the past(?) But it's cool!

Those posters you mentioned I sent espn inbox to with the link here. Tony Soprano? my man is here as TonyBalls. Guy I liked in the past realm3 sent to him also. I think a few from the past few years might have gone to post more often at motownsports, or mlb/Tigers official site, or one of the Detroit online news sites.
Glad you liked my raburn story, and that mikenbigdung guy sounds paranoid. Almost every posts he makes a month before the change and switch to here and since has to do with some posts by him getting deleted and I am to blame. lol. Doesn't he realize that the posters still over there can't stand him and are probably 'flagging' what he posts.
1 weird twist I've noticed on the new ESPN board; SBEE seems to be even more pious than ever. Always arrogant...Only more so. Big fish/little pond syndrome maybe. Ahh well. Just a shallow observation to pass the time!
i still don't see smoot here. he usually posted some good stuff to read. i don't even see him post on espn anymore...
honestly, i dunno why you guys keep going over there. all those retards want is attention from you and you keep giving it to them. might as well leave them alone and abandon ESPN like we were going to originally.
I removed my ESPN forum bookmarks some time ago. I don't see the point, just to respond to a troll or se how dead it is. If you like posting there, fine but those other reasons are just dumb.
I left ESPN a long time ago because of the trolls. I can ignore most of them, but at a certain point it became an infestation.

The only thing ESPN was good for was:

- The one or two times the Tigers were on ESPN
- Big Ten college football games
- KC's "Detroit Tigers Team Notes" thread

I guess I can scratch those off the list. I hardly watch any ESPN from November to August (except for Bowl games).