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Keith Appling??

Let's see what comes out of the probable cause hearing tomorrow, it's still not certain if the search was legal. he supposedly fit the description of someone the police were looking for, a young black male in a black dodge charger, he was driving a blue dodge challenger.

There was also something mentioned about him being licensed to carry, need some more details around that. Having a loaded gun in the trunk, even if you are licensed to carry is poor judgement but it's such a far cry vs what was originally reported. it's like being reported that you led police on a high speed chase when all you did was get a speeding ticket.

That's a technicality. And we've already discounted the disproved misreported details. Now it comes down to his judgement and whether or not the guns were legal. I honestly don't care if the search was legal or not (so long as he isn't charged if it wasn't legal). If the guns are legal and he has the appropriate licenses/permits, that's one thing. But if they're not legal, the fact he can't be charge due to a legal technicality doesn't change the fact that he was breaking the law and doing something extremely stupid and dangerous.
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That's a technicality. And we've already discounted the disproved misreported details. Now it comes down to his judgement and whether or not the guns were legal. I honestly don't care if the search was legal or not (so long as he isn't charged if it wasn't legal). If the guns are legal and he has the appropriate licenses/permits, that's one thing. But if they're not legal, the fact he can't be charge due to a legal technicality doesn't change the fact that he was breaking the law and doing something extremely stupid and dangerous.

I'm more of a fan of the 4th amendment. Hopefully Appling wasn't dumb enough to give consent to the search. Assuming he didn't and he wasn't breaking any laws I do have a problem with any charges. Did the officers have reason to believe that he has or was committing a crime??
I'm more of a fan of the 4th amendment. Hopefully Appling wasn't dumb enough to give consent to the search. Assuming he didn't and he wasn't breaking any laws I do have a problem with any charges. Did the officers have reason to believe that he has or was committing a crime??

I think at some point he had the gun out of the car maybe transferring it from front area to trunk. It cant be in open view loaded and the fact he had pot and no medical card is going to up it to a felony. Well, those are illinois laws so maybe not the same there.
I think at some point he had the gun out of the car maybe transferring it from front area to trunk. It cant be in open view loaded and the fact he had pot and no medical card is going to up it to a felony. Well, those are illinois laws so maybe not the same there.

He did say that he doesn't use pot and that he wanted to submit to a drug test. the problem with that is that possession is still a crime even if you don't use it yourself.
I'm more of a fan of the 4th amendment. Hopefully Appling wasn't dumb enough to give consent to the search. Assuming he didn't and he wasn't breaking any laws I do have a problem with any charges. Did the officers have reason to believe that he has or was committing a crime??

That's a stupid thing to say. I made it clear that if the search was illegal he shouldn't be charged. But saying legal search or not, he's done something profoundly stupid and deserves some measure of criticism, especially if the guns or his possession of them is illegal is not remotely anti-4th amendment.

A 4th amendment violation doesn't mean Appling didn't also break the law, it just means evidence from that search can't be used and thus he likely can't be charged. That's not an exoneration.
who knows but he's obviously not making good decisions. the first incident was completely mis-reported so it looked a lot worse than it was but there's obviously something going on where he feels the need to protect himself. there are legal ways to do that, I guess that's not how it goes down in Detroit unfortunately.