CBus is a unique cat. He's able to be objective about a lot of things that most fans aren't.
In the end, Cincy owes a lot to BK. He led the best team in our school's history, turned our program into a relevant one (relatively speaking) and put us on the map. He was also a huge factor in the facility upgrades that UC has received over the past few years, and the importance of that can't be understated. We needed the facility and stadium upgrades, but it took a spark from a guy like BK to get the ball rolling on them.
At the same time, 99% of us can't forgive the way he left. Not the fact that he jumped before the bowl game. We did that to CMU twice in a 3 year span. But the fact that he bailed on the fans, program and players who loved him (despite the fact that he was an arrogant prick) when they had a chance to beat Florida to finish off their perfect season, that's just unforgivable.
I understand the desire to leave, and that December is usually when it happens and that's probably better for all parties. That said, he owed it to the players that earned him that job to see that season through. I'm not saying it would've made a difference, I doubt it would have actually, but he owed it to those kids to finish what they all started together.
CBus just likes to focus on the good he did for the program, most people can't see past the end, and understandably so.