sorry But I am not holding on to the past like you and your party.... I find it funny how you never refute anything I say.... All you say is that I Hate..
At least I am not a racist like the majority of your party is.. Note I said Majority and not you..
But I find it funny how republicans try and stop any and all legislation That Obama wants to try and intact.. Funny how that was not the case under Bush.... funny how this republican congress has had the most filibusters of all time.. Which is a fact..... Hope the idiots at GOP headquarters will continue their game plan of all out Hatred... I does not work... But hey keep losing national elections...I am all for extreme right wing republicans getting blasted in elections.... Keep the likes of Ryan, Bachman ,Rand,Palin and others away from the Button...
Bob, refuting any of the "facts" you post would be like trying to answer your party's talking points. I'm never going to convince you of how silly some of the things you post are.
. . . but you need only read a portion of your posts talking about how much you hate other human beings who don't believe like you do, to understand why I accuse you of hatred. I just find it a bit hypocritical how you accuse me and my "party" of hating you or people who believe like you, and in the next breath talk about how you hate people who belong to the tea party.
If you toned down your rhetoric, and actually quit acting like being conservative is the same as being the devil incarnate, we might be able to discuss actual issues, but that has not happened yet. I expect that I will continue to answer in kind.