The 98% consensus statistic is a myth that has been debunked on multiple levels. Most are referring to the the Zimmerman survey which asked these 2 questions:
Q1. ?When compared with pre-1800s levels, do you think that mean global temperatures
have generally risen, fallen, or remained relatively constant??
Q2. ?Do you think human activity is a significant contributing factor in changing mean
global temperatures??
First, it is based on an incredibly weak sample size - 3,146 scientists who responded to a survey (10,257 were sent). Of those, only 79 self-identified as climate scientists. 77 of those 79 answered "rising" to Q1 and "yes" to Q2.
Second, and more importantly than the meaningless sample size, the questions themselves were so vague as to render the conclusion from the those answers completely meaningless. Even most skeptics of man made global warming would answer both of those questions the same way. What's not there is whether any of the respondents believe that the rate or magnitude of change is unusual or if it is unusual that it's the human activity that is making it unusual. They also don't ask whether the change is catastrophic or even harmful. There are similar, valid criticisms of the Anderegg "research", which is basically a subjective classification of other scientists published research.
Considering this, along with the fact over 31,000 scientist from diverse climate-related disciplines, including more than 9,000 with Ph.D.s, have signed a public petition announcing their belief that ??there is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth?s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth?s climate? it's fair to say that the 98% number is meaningless bullshit. Yet the left continues to parade it around as if it were the ultimate trump card.
I also find it interesting that the skeptics of man-made climate change (not that it is changing, just that maybe it's not man-made and perhaps not the huge threat we're told it is) are the "science deniers" when the alarmists ignore scientific facts like solar activity, the fact that the earth has cooled over the last 15 years and the polar ice caps grew 50% since Al Gore predicted they would be completely gone by now - never mind that not a single other prediction of these well-funded scientists has come true. But if you mention any of this as cause for pause before we decide to throw hundreds of billions of dollars at it, you're a gun-toting, bible-thumping, racist hill billy who thinks the world is 6k years old. That's the party of science and tolerance? Indeed.