You have a lot of people on this board that have already mailed 2021 in and gave Holmes a pass. IMO thats not how it works. You either make a team better....or you make it worse. There are no passes.
You could have kept everyone here. Stafford, Harmon, Shelton, James, okwara, golladay etc etc etc etc....and maybe you win 5 games again. Im not saying that is the best thing to do by any means. But hes the GM and these are his choices. And if you go from 5 wins to 2 didnt do a very good job. He chose to bring Goff which made us cash strapped...his decision. Remember LA said there was this HUGE market for Goff lol...he could have been traded anywhere! If thats the case...Holmes chose for him to be on this team which meant we had no assets available to reshape this team.
Quin fucked us last year by not taking a QB. We finally get rid of staffords contract and now Holmes probably isnt going to take one at #7. We just keep delaying the rebuild year after year after year. 2023 i bet we sign Andy Dalton...just to put me over the edge lol.