Calvin, Fauria, Pettigrew, Durham, Reggie catching out of the back field, and Nate Burleson due back in a few weeks.... there just aren't enough passes even in a pass happy offense to fill everyone's quotas.
Don't get me wrong, having a threat like Nicks would be great, but unless Stafford is going to attempt 900+ passes again this season, I just don't see why we absolutely have to have one more receiver with the guys we have.
Would he be an upgrade? Yes. But is he absolutely necessary? No.
I'm all for making any trade that makes the team better, but this is a sticky wicket. If you give up two picks, or a higher pick, and he doesn't resign, you haven't made the team better long term.
Unless they know Nate won't be back in time to help a playoff push, you have to be conservative with what you give up to bring in a rental, or you have to make sure you lock that rental up with a rent-to-own option.
Passes or not, we need a legit 2. But you only do it, if its a sign and trade & we don't give up more than a 4th. Maybe throw in Leshoure. I'll even throw in my Leshoure jersey to sweeten the deal.
On a side edit: Edwards sucked.