Hungry said:
Well, supposedly there was an email at the time from McQueary to a friend that he put in there that he had contacted the police. This isn't just something he is changing his story to now that everyone is attacking him for doing nothing. We don't really know if he told the truth in this old email, but the email is supposedly from at the time he supposedly walked in on this thing.
Like I said before, though. This is all alleged. Now i'm fairly certain that Sandusky did some things that he wasn't supposed to. What he did, I do not know. What McQueary and Paterno did, said, didn't do, didn't say, or knew at the time is all in question. Its really weird. Some of the people that I know who are all about 'innocent until proven guilty' have already convicted McQueary and Paterno of crimes.
It's almost like "hot potato." My understanding is that PA law requires educational institutions to report incidents like these to law enforcement. McQueary and Paterno essential passed the "hot potato" up the chain. At some point, someone had a duty to report it, and it looks like that duty was not fulfilled. The question is now where that duty lies; as of now, the DA has concluded it was with Curly and Schmidt, or Schultz, or whatever his name is.
but as we've said, while McQueary & Paterno may have done their legal duty, they (assuming all the allegations & record in the grand jury findings are true) failed a greater moral duty.