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Man, Bernie Sanders is so great

A billionaire's wife tried to give Bernie money, but he gave it back. the man is the only consistent candidate in this election.

how mean though! this will probably make the billionaire bootlickers here cry, so I feel a little bad posting about it
A billionaire's wife tried to give Bernie money, but he gave it back. the man is the only consistent candidate in this election.

how mean though! this will probably make the billionaire bootlickers here cry, so I feel a little bad posting about it

So if they were worth $990M he would have kept the money?

what a dope.
A billionaire's wife tried to give Bernie money, but he gave it back. the man is the only consistent candidate in this election.

how mean though! this will probably make the billionaire bootlickers here cry, so I feel a little bad posting about it

this is perhaps the most entertaining thread on DSF. there's nothing on here as consistently entertaining as your sycophantic love for Bernie Sanders. the guy is an idiot and a clown and and he is your hero. It doesnt get better than that on DSF so please don't feel bad - keep 'em coming, i love this stuff.
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Anybody watch the debate last night????

Man, Bernie hit it out of the park!

And the way he Savaged Buttigieg and Biden for being owned by the Billionaires was great too!
Anybody watch the debate last night????

Man, Bernie hit it out of the park!

And the way he Savaged Buttigieg and Biden for being owned by the Billionaires was great too!

you're more of a fan boy for this idiot than my teenage sisters were for New Kids On The Block. But you're a grown man. Do you maybe have an extra chromosome or something?
you're more of a fan boy for this idiot than my teenage sisters were for New Kids On The Block. But you're a grown man. Do you maybe have an extra chromosome or something?

Oh man, I bet if you changed nothing about Pete, other than the D next to his name to an R, you'd be all for him. you would be a Buttigieg Boy.
Oh man, I bet if you changed nothing about Pete, other than the D next to his name to an R, you'd be all for him. you would be a Buttigieg Boy.

sick burn dude but its pretty clear you're the guy who wants to go all buttigieg on bernie. I'm sure you wake up every day wishing the job "campaign fluffer" existed. No doubt you'd do it as an unpaid intern completely ignorant of the hypocrisy. As pudgy and dumb as you are, you would probably be an uptick from Jane - at least in terms of your enthusiasm and zeal for "the job."
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Anybody watch the debate last night????

Man, Bernie hit it out of the park!

And the way he Savaged Buttigieg and Biden for being owned by the Billionaires was great too!

nope bit did catch a clip of Yang talking about why Trump won, dems might want to listen to him he was completely correct on his comments.
Yang would have to pay me a thousand bucks to listen to him.

And that's why I can't support him by the end of the day, that program won't work it's been tried and already failed elsewhere all that program would be is.. come on you know... Chicom Equally assured misery for all!
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Bernie just picked up a celebrity endorsement from...


:spin: :cheers: :p

You know what I'm gonna say...

Didn?t recognize the name but I looked her up and she?s more than just a model; she?s been in a number movies, in fact she had a pretty important role in Gone Girl.

I?ve seen a few other movies that she has been in also.

Mr. Skin rating ?Great nudity.?

A lot of nude pics on the Internet, also some nude/simulated sex from movies; I can?t find anything that looks like a homemade sex tape yet. Give it some time.

All in all I would say this is a pretty good endorsement. Nice job Bernie.
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that you can't think for yourself so you get your stupid opinions from leftist celebrities and other idiots like Bernie Sanders? we know. nice emojis, are you 12?

sounds like someone is jealous!!!

>:D :tup: :ugh:

Trump could pull endorsements like this . . .
. . . IF HE PAID FOR THEM!!! >:D

Oh, daaaaaaaamn!

Trump could pull endorsements like this . . .
. . . IF HE PAID FOR THEM!!! >:D


Actually, I don't know if he could even afford it. He'd have to sell Mar-A-Lago to the Saudis or something, and throw in an additional $500MM in cluster bombs and Hellfires to come up with that kind of scratch.

Did you see how much he had to pay Stormy Daniels? And no offense to her, but she's a lot closer to your local trailer park scene than she is the Hollywood scene (where you'd find Emily R).
sounds like someone is jealous!!!

>:D :tup: :ugh:

Trump could pull endorsements like this . . .
. . . IF HE PAID FOR THEM!!! >:D

Oh, daaaaaaaamn!

sounds more like a 40 year old man acting like a loser teenage boy. I dont base my opinions on what celebrities or anyone else thinks so I don't care who endorses any candidates.

Besides, what's more important, the tail you pull or the tail that wants you to be President?

Bernie Sanders' wives:







Let's not forget his side pieces:


oh, daaaaaaaaaaamn!

I'm guessing Trump is ok that some dumbass millennial with more looks than brains endorses your idiot.
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