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Man, Bernie Sanders is so great


Yeah it's not like AOC is his own kid or anything... keep it in the family, Bernie.

I care more about their policies and positions on various important topics more so than who they are.
I care more about their policies and positions on various important topics more so than who they are.

"important topics" LOL... so what do Jarod and Ivanka think about UFOs?

Maybe Alex Jones will have them on to talk about it?
"important topics" LOL... so what do Jarod and Ivanka think about UFOs?

Maybe Alex Jones will have them on to talk about it?

Alex Jones very rarely talks about UFO's I think you have him confused with Coast to Coast or maybe Tucker Carlson. Tucker Carlson believes in UFO's
Another reason it's hard to back Bernie, he would undoubtedly give occasional cortex a high ranking cabinet position and that would just be bat shit crazy

First I?ve come across this nickname; don?t think it?s very good.

Clumsy and awkward; doesn?t really mean anything.

?Snore-a from Queens-? that?s what I would go with.
Which cabinet positions do they hold?

Whoa! Nothing gets past you... mind like a steel trap.

Yeah, that's the real issue here: it's okay to appoint your brainless kids as official White House advisors, but a cabinet member is a bridge too far.

Okay, well, take a look at Trump's cabinet... Wilbur Ross, Mnuchin, DeVos all incompetents, and operated in for-profit industries and were actively opposed to laws thar cut into their abilities to just siphon money from consumers. None of them had any experience operating a regulatory agency, or working in government, or in a public capacity.

I fail to see how AOC could be worse. I also have yet to hear any actual criticism of her political positions from the Right that don't involve disingenuous comparisons to Venezuela, or complaints about the sound of her voice... real deep understanding there.

and remember: Bernie hasn't actually done this or said he is doing this... all speculation.
don't forget Ben Carson.

Geez, Rex Tillerson - of all people - was probably the only competent appointee, and they ran him off, and Trump trashed him with schoolyard insults on twitter.

Says a lot about his cabinet & their general qualifications when the former CEO of Exxon is the best person to have served in the administration.
Whoa! Nothing gets past you... mind like a steel trap.

Yeah, that's the real issue here: it's okay to appoint your brainless kids as official White House advisors, but a cabinet member is a bridge too far.

Okay, well, take a look at Trump's cabinet... Wilbur Ross, Mnuchin, DeVos all incompetents, and operated in for-profit industries and were actively opposed to laws thar cut into their abilities to just siphon money from consumers. None of them had any experience operating a regulatory agency, or working in government, or in a public capacity.

I fail to see how AOC could be worse. I also have yet to hear any actual criticism of her political positions from the Right that don't involve disingenuous comparisons to Venezuela, or complaints about the sound of her voice... real deep understanding there.

and remember: Bernie hasn't actually done this or said he is doing this... all speculation.

He can hire whomever he wants as an advisor. And both those brainless kids are far more accomolished than you will ever be. There idea that you think Wilbur arias is incompetent and coming from a for-profit background means he or anyone else isn?t qualified to work in government is absurd on its face. You have no idea what you are talking about. Most if not all of those people have first hand experience dealing with excessive or bad regulation and incompetent bureaucrats. To say they?re not qualified to fix these problems is just baseless nonsense.

The fact that you fail to see how AOC could be worse is even funnier - by the way, here prior experience was also in the for-profit arena. The only difference is she never ran anything. If you haven?t heard any actual criticism of her complaints you?re either not paying attention or your understanding of economics is so limited you can?t tell the difference between actual criticism and personal attacks.

You don?t have to remind me that Bernie hasn?t actually done any of these things - I?m the one who has been telling you for years that he hasn?t actually done anything. What he wants to do has always been the problem, not what he hasn?t been able to do
tigermud, those were posted by Project Veritas, aka James O'Keefe... you are aware they are most likely so heavily edited as to misrepresent what was actually said (i.e. they are not true), if not completely fabricated?
I guess the good news is most Bernie supporters are probably lazy dead beats that won't do anything. My guess is the dangerous whack job Trump supporters, outnumber the dangerous whack job Bernie supporters, 100:1
tigermud, those were posted by Project Veritas, aka James O'Keefe... you are aware they are most likely so heavily edited as to misrepresent what was actually said (i.e. they are not true), if not completely fabricated?

I wouldn't say completely fabricated, these last two didn't seem nearly as serious as the first two though I'll give ya that. The young blond kid just came off to me as being young and dumb he'll probably be a republican in another 20 years.
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Here's a video of Republican, Bob Ney, praising Bernie's work ethic, and noting how Sanders would frequently leave his name off bills & let others take credit to help ensure they'd pass (link)

Same thing from Clinton's former labor secretary, Robert Reich (link).

It's funny that these smears originated with the Clinton camp in 2016, and now Republitards are repeating them verbatim - even though the Clintons were the most untrustworthy communist fascist rapists in history who should be locked up... strange bedfellows as they say.
List of bills Sanders authored (they number 421) (link). Hardly the frivolous shit people make them out to be.

True, not many passed, but that isn't surprising, given that most of Congress is owned by big business, billionaires, the Pentagon, etc. Trump's veto on the bill to block further support for Saudi Arabia's war against Yemen is amusing. When push comes to shove, he rolls over for the Pentagon. No spine at all.

But regardless, "Sanders hasn't passed a lot of bills" is a weird criticism coming from people who voted for and/or support Donald Trump; a man who had never held political office or won an election before, had driven multiple businesses into bankruptcy through gross mismanagement of them, (including casinos which are widely considered to be guaranteed money makers), and who salvaged his own finances by becoming host of a stupid reality TV show, licensing his name to all sorts of "luxury" cheap shit made in China, and running a fraudulent "university" to bilk idiots out of millions of dollars...
tigermud, those were posted by Project Veritas, aka James O'Keefe... you are aware they are most likely so heavily edited as to misrepresent what was actually said (i.e. they are not true), if not completely fabricated?

clearly you didn't watch the videos because if you had even you wouldn't be dumb enough to pull the "heavily edited" excuse - the same excuse you use every time you're presented with video evidence that contradicts any of your positions/beliefs. You did the same with the Planned Parenthood video then walked away from the conversation when it was pointed out that the complete, unedited videos were published. Rember that? I do.
I guess the good news is most Bernie supporters are probably lazy dead beats that won't do anything. My guess is the dangerous whack job Trump supporters, outnumber the dangerous whack job Bernie supporters, 100:1

agreed, when this first got posted I said it probably won't amount to anything and if it did, my money was on the militia folks.
List of bills Sanders authored (they number 421) (link). Hardly the frivolous shit people make them out to be.

True, not many passed, but that isn't surprising, given that most of Congress is owned by big business, billionaires, the Pentagon, etc. Trump's veto on the bill to block further support for Saudi Arabia's war against Yemen is amusing. When push comes to shove, he rolls over for the Pentagon. No spine at all.

But regardless, "Sanders hasn't passed a lot of bills" is a weird criticism coming from people who voted for and/or support Donald Trump; a man who had never held political office or won an election before, had driven multiple businesses into bankruptcy through gross mismanagement of them, (including casinos which are widely considered to be guaranteed money makers), and who salvaged his own finances by becoming host of a stupid reality TV show, licensing his name to all sorts of "luxury" cheap shit made in China, and running a fraudulent "university" to bilk idiots out of millions of dollars...

Why is it such a weird criticism for anyone let alone Trump supporters? If the man never held elected office, how could he author and get bills passed? That would be true for every single person running a campaign for their first elected position. Even if it were true that Trump was a failed business man, how is that any worse than a guy who wrote 421 bills an only managed to get the meaningless roll call ones passed? If what you say is true about Trump, (which of course it isn't) you're basically comparing two failures. We know for sure that Bernie is since we have the data, it's not clear that Trump is - lot's of ultra wealthy people failed multiple times in business, nobody bats a thousand.
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.... You did the same with the Planned Parenthood video then walked away from the conversation when it was pointed out that the complete, unedited videos were published. Rember that? I do.

not sure what you're talking about. snopes detailed it, and provided context of why the videos don't support O'Kweef's claims. whether or not they "edited" the tapes, they were intentionally misleading.

and O'Keefe's history of fuckups is partially detailed here.

he's a clown.

You might notice sometimes I stop responding to you: It's because I know that you are an idiot who never knows when to shut up & I don't have anything more to say.
not sure what you're talking about. snopes detailed it, and provided context of why the videos don't support O'Kweef's claims. whether or not they "edited" the tapes, they were intentionally misleading.

and O'Keefe's history of fuckups is partially detailed here.

he's a clown.

You might notice sometimes I stop responding to you: It's because I know that you are an idiot who never knows when to shut up & I don't have anything more to say.

ah, snopes disproved O'Keefes videos. all we need now is for another nonpartisan fact checker like maybe Politifact or the SPLC and we can put this thing to bed.

You stop responding when presented with facts you can't dispute which is why you may have noticed that lately I've just been ridiculing you for your stupidity and the absurdity of your positions. And for making stupid fan boy threads about assclowns like Bernie Sanders.
ah, snopes disproved O'Keefes videos. all we need now is for another nonpartisan fact checker like maybe Politifact or the SPLC and we can put this thing to bed.

You stop responding when presented with facts you can't dispute which is why you may have noticed that lately I've just been ridiculing you for your stupidity and the absurdity of your positions. And for making stupid fan boy threads about assclowns like Bernie Sanders.

Well if the cat lady debunked it then it must be debunked, the cat lady has been deemed the ultimate internet authority of such things don't ya know.