Always cracks me up when I hear every single recruit talking about academics, whether they're going to MSU, U of M, or LSU, they have the same NCAA clearinghouse standards to meet, and all 3 schools are going to steer 95% of them into whatever BS (Bull Shit) major it takes to keep them eligibile. A hand full of each class might be able to start out taking "real" college classes. The academics for football players are no different between Purdue, Notre Dame, or USC, seems like the kids should know that up front.
Someone wrote a good book about the subject and his experience at Michigan playing for Bo, called, "If I don't Six." Kid was a gung ho D lineman who also happened to be smart and a good writer, he got the schedule together he wanted to take his freshman year and took it to the coaches, they crossed off everything he picked and wrote in a bunch of cupcake classes like basket weaving, and home economics, and told him, "kid, you're here to play football, you show us you can do that and maybe next year we'll talk about letting you take one of those writing classes you wanted."
Personally, I think the whole business is a huge diservice to these kids, they come to play football for free, the school and the NCAA makes $millions off from that, 98% of them will never play in the pros, the least the schools should be required to do for them is make sure they get a usefull education in a "real" degreed program.