Do you really hate it bud?
This was your post after last years first game
" If youre going to have a team that gives up points easily you have to be EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE on offense against good teams to counteract a putrid defense (thats what it was). That means putting the ball over 20 yards in the air 3-4 times per game (yawn, that wont happen all year unless we get down early and try to crawl back in the last quarter when its too fucking late.) . Our running game isnt that strong yet, why are we not testing another team on a 40 yard fly pattern????????????? Ohhh how I love complaining about this EVERY year.
This looked like a 7-5, 8-4 team tonight. I hate to be a Negative Nelly but that was fucking weak.The biggest problem I saw was POOR TACKLING, I didnt hear that brought up all night but the basic wrap and bring down was 0 tonight. VERY POOR TACKLING tonight, this team appeared undisciplined and mediocore. Other teams need to focus on taking Connor Cook out, without him we are a .500 team or slightly better from tonights "effort". We are 1 player from disaster, OSU is going to roll people even with significant injuries."
Last edited by Spartan23MSU; 09-05-2015 at 12:26 AM.
I especially loved the irony that your last line ended up having.