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NFC WC Playoff: Lions @ Saints Thread

MalFunkShun said:
[color=#551A8B said:
Danny Diggler[/color]]

damn.. I wish you could buy just the sauce.

You can. At least in Bay City you can, they sell the bottles for $4.

No shit.. I'm gonna stop at the next bdubs I see and get some. Thanks
always forget this chick's name, but she's so hot. lol
Just hoping for very little to NO nerves to start. need to get on top early and keep up the pressure.
Here we go boys, decided to stay home and watch the game alone. Too many people wont even be paying attention out at the bar or a party.
2nd play....CJ! WOOO! movin it! nice and easy stuff to help stafford shake any nerves he might have. i like it.
I run it on 2nd and 2, got to be able to pick up 2 yards in 2 plays.

SHIT, penalty makes it 3rd and 7

They're targeting Titus like CRAZY lately. Glad to see it.