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not happy with presser

DR said:
Hungry said:
Well, I am not a fan of challenging a play due to the spot. Those challenges just seem to never work. To me, it looked like a bad spot, but there is no guarantee of a challenge succeeding there and you lose a valuable time-out. Now in college, a time-out is of less value since when on O, the clock stops on first downs, but they are still valuable.

He said they should have asked for a measurement, not challenge it.

Can you dig up the quote you're talking about real quick?

this is one of them

---Do you wish you would have called a running play on the fourth and one?
I don't know, I just really want to freak out about something so I'm going to worry about the tone of the coach's voice and how he began answers to reporters' questions with a pause and how he took just a bit too much blame, but didn't blame Borges enough and how he didn't just call out God for making it so fucking windy on Saturday.

Hungry said:

He said they should have asked for a measurement, not challenge it.

Can you dig up the quote you're talking about real quick?

this is one of them

---Do you wish you would have called a running play on the fourth and one?
Urban Meyer said the same thing right after the failed play. If it works, it's genius ... but it didn't. Move on...

to the Beach for a week!
All plays boil down to execution. Who wins the battle, offense or defense. That play obviously the defense won. I don't remember if it was a tight end or the tackle blocked inside, and i think it may have been a double team. If he (or a RB) picked up the cb blitz who knows what might have happend on that play. if that play went for a TD we would be stroking Borges this week for his creativity and courage.

this is one of them

---Do you wish you would have called a running play on the fourth and one?
TheVictors03 said:
I don't know, I just really want to freak out about something so I'm going to worry about the tone of the coach's voice and how he began answers to reporters' questions with a pause and how he took just a bit too much blame, but didn't blame Borges enough and how he didn't just call out God for making it so fucking windy on Saturday.

Again, its the byeweek and the next opponent is Purdue. Want to talk about the upcoming Purdue game?
Jever4321 said:
All plays boil down to execution. Who wins the battle, offense or defense. That play obviously the defense won. I don't remember if it was a tight end or the tackle blocked inside, and i think it may have been a double team. If he (or a RB) picked up the cb blitz who knows what might have happend on that play. if that play went for a TD we would be stroking Borges this week for his creativity and courage.

I'd be thinking that we got very lucky. If the blitz doesn't come and Denard throws a duck that Koger doesn't catch, we'd still be mad.

If they had run it into the line and failed. I wouldn't be mad at all.
I'm fine with the presser. Didn't do what Rich did, and say, "I don't worry about the defense." He took the blame. Good. It was basically a good 20-25 minutes of coach-speak, and I'd rather have that than the circus we had before.
I can't track anything down online, but supposedly Borges spoke about the MSU game the other day and pretty much fell on his sword. I'm guessing the quotes were from the Inside Michigan Football Coach's Show that he and Mattison were scheduled to appear on, but I can't find the transcripts anywhere. The jackasses on 97.1 were reading some of them on air yesterday.
ahh, found some of it.


Offensive coordinator Al Borges, on the fourth-quarter fourth-and-1 call for a play-action pass: "It's not what you call, it's when you call it. That obviously was not a good time to do what we did. They stopped it, they blew up the backside edge, we didn't execute it very good, and that's on me.

"I've got to do a better job of calculating better. I called the play twice a year at San Diego State, and it scored two touchdowns. This isn't San Diego State, and this isn't last year."
I'm glad Borges made the comment about 2nd guessing.

It's kinda absurd... it was a tough game: in-state rivalry, on the road, solid opponent, AND they had a bye week.

No question that 4th and 1 call was dumb. That was pretty much the key play, and they had gotten that all year with Denard on the sneak or speed option.

But what are you going to do? have to move on. Judging him by his total record so far, he's still doing a solid job, finding ways to score when we need points.
DR said:
ahh, found some of it.


Offensive coordinator Al Borges, on the fourth-quarter fourth-and-1 call for a play-action pass: "It's not what you call, it's when you call it. That obviously was not a good time to do what we did. They stopped it, they blew up the backside edge, we didn't execute it very good, and that's on me.

"I've got to do a better job of calculating better. I called the play twice a year at San Diego State, and it scored two touchdowns. This isn't San Diego State, and this isn't last year."

DR said:
ahh, found some of it.


Offensive coordinator Al Borges, on the fourth-quarter fourth-and-1 call for a play-action pass: "It's not what you call, it's when you call it. That obviously was not a good time to do what we did. They stopped it, they blew up the backside edge, we didn't execute it very good, and that's on me.

"I've got to do a better job of calculating better. I called the play twice a year at San Diego State, and it scored two touchdowns. This isn't San Diego State, and this isn't last year."

Thanks, Art. I knew i read it somewhere. I haven't been around as much as I usually am.
It looked to me like MSU might have been expecting the play. The defensive player was screaming in from the edge, could see that DR still had the ball. Was Koger wide open? Still with no nose tackle MSU was giving the 1st down with a sneak or run up the middle. Why not take it and continue the drive. I can see considering the play that was called, but you have to see the defensive line up that is there to and make a decision at the line.

I guess I was more concerned about the switching out of DR and DG. What was that about? It didn't seem to work. Was it just planned to give DR a breather, knowing they were going after him with late hits, twisted necks, etc.? Maybe so.

Live and Learn! On to Purdue! GO BLUE!
rumseyhouse77 said:
It looked to me like MSU might have been expecting the play. The defensive player was screaming in from the edge, could see that DR still had the ball. Was Koger wide open? Still with no nose tackle MSU was giving the 1st down with a sneak or run up the middle. Why not take it and continue the drive. I can see considering the play that was called, but you have to see the defensive line up that is there to and make a decision at the line.

I guess I was more concerned about the switching out of DR and DG. What was that about? It didn't seem to work. Was it just planned to give DR a breather, knowing they were going after him with late hits, twisted necks, etc.? Maybe so.

Live and Learn! On to Purdue! GO BLUE!

Agree here. I had a call that only the center and I knew that we used on short yardage with no nose. Worked every time, partly because the rest of the O-line stayed in their stance because they didn't know we were going to snap and go QB sneak.