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Now the Rose Bowl Game Thread

There's the make up call. That's a fucking horseshit call. The fucking play ended 2 yards from the guy.

While you could be right why give the refs any reason to throw anything?

Do they teach blocking a guy already down ?
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I don't understand the unnecessary roughness call when you're blocking during the play.
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No reason to do that at all. Way to kill a drive #44.:

How do you figure? The play ended right there. So he's just supposed to let a would-be tackler get back up? Is that guy going to just let the ball carrier run past him?
While you could be right why give the refs any reason to throw anything?

Do they teach blocking a guy already down ?

Unless that guy is not allowed to get back up and still make the tackle, then yes. They teach playing to the whistle. Shitty call
Throw short of the sticks to a small guy that can?t make the first down damnit. Not a fan of that play.