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Now the Rose Bowl Game Thread

Smart idea...run the ball with a backup qb, throw two terrible passes after. This is the reason why we lose so many big games. Dumbass decisions. Last year was JJ throwing 2 pick 6's and this year we are playing well on D but keep shooting ourselves in the foot with bad playcalls and stupid mental errors.
I don't mind the pass calls. But i mind JJ being 5 feet off target. I love the kid, but he needs to find his groove again.
To be fair, CJ was wide open and JJ just missed him. Can't really say it's a play calling issue when dude is that open and the QB air mails a throw he makes 9/10 times.
To be fair, CJ was wide open and JJ just missed him. Can't really say it's a play calling issue when dude is that open and the QB air mails a throw he makes 9/10 times.

Looked like JJ expected him to keep fading but he cut
I know that Orji is a weapon but if there was ever a time to give Blake a heavy workload it's now. Just let him run it.