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OSU may have their own Nassar style scandal brewing

Chillingly, DiSabato added: ?Based on testimony from victim athletes from each of the aforementioned varsity sports, we estimate that Strauss sexually assaulted and/or raped a minimum of 1,500/2,000 athletes at OSU from 1978 through 1998.?

Ohio State has confirmed that investigators have received ?confidential reports of sexual misconduct committed by Strauss? from former athletes in 14 sports and from former patients in Student Health Services.​

Former OSU wrestling coach and current GOP Congressmen Jim Jordan is accused of knowingly ignoring the abuse.

Strauss - the doctor in question - died in 2005. not sure if that will help or hurt OSU; even though Nasser is alive for much deserved public shaming, MSU's administration didn't escape public scrutiny
So they've been investigating since April. Let's see if any administrators are ready to be transparent or if we'll get more verbally reported, non-FOIA-able investigation reports like Baylor and MSU.
This guy being a Republican US Representative changes things as far as internet comments go. There's a significant population all ready to prejudge and do their best to spin the narrative politically in addition to your regular idiot sports fans. You don't typically align right wing extremists with people defending a university. Might be less of a topic on message boards because the idiots that shout the loudest are torn.
This is towards the end of the article:
Strauss wasn?t the only Ohio State official who showered with the team, DiSabato said. After practice ended at 3:30 p.m., some university professors, administrators and others would show up in the shower stalls just as the athletes were arriving, he said.

It was, DiSabato said, like walking through ?the gauntlet of sexual deviancy.?
So ****ed up.

I'm kinda glad "showering at the gym" went out of style with my generation.

I remember in high school, no one EVER showered in the locker rooms. we all wondered why they were even there.

just go home and shower.
So ****ed up.

I'm kinda glad "showering at the gym" went out of style with my generation.

I remember in high school, no one EVER showered in the locker rooms. we all wondered why they were even there.

just go home and shower.

Same here. My high school locker rooms have showers, but the only time I ever saw them used was after the whole school had been playing in a mud pit all day. Public showers give me the creeps for more reasons than one; the only exceptions were college dorm showers because what was the alternative?
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Same here. My high school locker rooms have showers, but the only time I ever saw them used was after the whole school had been playing in a mud pit all day. Public showers give me the creeps for more reasons than one; the only exceptions were college dorm showers because what was the alternative?


and at least ours had private stalls, with curtains.

I'll use showers at the gym, mostly just the "family" ones where singles aren't allowed, if they seem extremely clean.

I know that so much crud is persistent though... even if they bleach it daily. I've had to make peace with that. showering our kids off there after swim lessons is so much easier than giving them a bath when we get home.

and at least ours had private stalls, with curtains.

I'll use showers at the gym, mostly just the "family" ones where singles aren't allowed, if they seem extremely clean.

I know that so much crud is persistent though... even if they bleach it daily. I've had to make peace with that. showering our kids off there after swim lessons is so much easier than giving them a bath when we get home.

Flip flops. Always.
So ****ed up.

I'm kinda glad "showering at the gym" went out of style with my generation.

I remember in high school, no one EVER showered in the locker rooms. we all wondered why they were even there.

just go home and shower.

We took showers after gym in middle school, but gym was, I think, an elective in high school. Or maybe we didn't even have gym as a class. We definitely just went home after practices and games for sports.

I vaguely remember some instructions we got about what to keep in our locker, and wearing sandals, and being required to wash our gym clothes at least once a week. I think there was something in it about girls having thongs to shower in and I thought a thong was another type of sandal and I didn't understand what the purpose of that separate instruction was.
thongs used to refer more to "flip flops." I assume that's what they meant??

I remember as a kid, those terms were interchangeable. "take your thongs to the beach" would not have resulted in any confusion.

later on (late 90's) "thongs" referred to thong underwear.

all this is like ancient history now, with us wondering who exactly these strange peoples were who showered in gym class and wore thongs while doing it.

Millenial historians are struggling to place these people in the historical record.
My middle school football coach was also our gym coach. He used to love taping our feet before football games, lol. We would just joke about it. He also would get irritated when we didn't take showers after class. We joked about his roving eye, because that's what kids do. He had a wife and kids and would talk about them all the time. He was a very proud family man. My 2nd year at UT I got a call from my sister telling me he was busted in a male prostitution sting. I felt a little sad, because his life was basically ruined and we all did like him. At that time he was the head football coach at the high school and was pretty successful in his 1st couple years. He ended up resigning and the school district did an investigation by calling most of us players and students. No claims of abuse were ever made. Never found out what became of his marriage or his life thereafter.
people love to point and laugh at those stories, but they really do **** up entire families, and anyone else involved who was deceived.

as society has gotten more accepting of homosexuality, hopefully these stories happen less and less, as fewer people feel a need to live a lie.