MichChamp02 said:
I'd imagine there is some sort of NCAA penalty on the books that could encompass criminal issues though.
they probably have some catch-all provision for "conduct unbecoming of an association member" or something like that.
I don't see the NCAA coming after PSU. There is not much they could do to hurt the people involved (except maybe the coach that initially walked in). I think the NCAA would rather get this whole saga out of the news as fast as possible. The Internets disagree though. This is what I have seen tossed out on a couple of message boards:
NCAA Bylaw 19.01.2
Title: 19.01.2 - Exemplary Conduct.
Individuals employed by or associated with member institutions for the administration, the conduct or the coaching of intercollegiate athletics are, in the final analysis, teachers of young people. Their responsibility is an affirmative one, and they must do more than avoid improper conduct or questionable acts. Their own moral values must be so certain and positive that those younger and more pliable will be influenced by a fine example. Much more is expected of them than of the less critically placed citizen.