From what I know, Paterno"heard" about some disgusting unlawful acts...not knowing if they were true he reported them anyway to be safe. The authorities seemingly dropped the ball. If this is true I believe Paterno did what he should have and people are being far too quick to judge because of the sensitivity of the topic at hand. If someone at work told you he saw your friend doing something like this and you told the CEO or head of HR about it, what more should you do. You don't know if the man did it or not but still came forth and said that you at least heard about it and thought it should be checked out. As far as I can tell, grouping Joe in with this monster is COMPLETELY unfair and immoral in it's own right. If you feel like Paterno could have done more thats fine but to say he's scum SEEMS very unfair. He did what he was suppose to do and entrusted the people who are suppose to take care of these things to do their job and the right thing. It was probably hard enough to have to turn in a friend. I don't expect him to go to war and become a persecuter to make sure things are handled, thats not his place. No love lost for Paterno so far for me SO FAR...I will read more in depth later though.