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Refs tried their hardest

UM was far more responsible for keeping Ohio in the game than the refs. Big time TOs at very costly locations, blown coverages throughout the game, limited pressure on Miller, STUPID penalties at the end. It felt almost like UM wanted to keep it close like a cat playing with a mouse, but the mouse nearly chewed their face off and they got lucky in the end when Miller / Ohio coaches decided to spike the ball on the 3rd down. That decision cost them a legit chance.

Love that they won, but they didn't play a solid game while Ohio played exactly the way they needed in order to give themselves a chance. Won the TO battle, excellent play calling on O just lacking in execution in the passing game. Hats off to them for staying competitive. Miller could prove to be a very good QB if accuracy improves.
I agree with the spot calls earlier. the one I thought was the worst, the Odoms' catch where they measured it, was apparently right, since he bobbled it after he got hit. Bobbling the catch apparently negates forward progress.

I thought we stopped Miller, but in the replay they showed, he was clearly past the 1st down marker when he got hit and driven back.

seems like everyone agrees the Toussaint TD shouldn't have been overturned. They showed his knee touch the ground before he landed in the end zone, but it looked like the ball had already broken the plane. Awful, awful call. The only really questionable one in the game.

I was in section 21 also... didn't realize we were all so near eachother.
smayschmouthfootball said:
If that was "indisputable video evidence" of a no-touchdown, I cannot accept the premise of instant replay. If anything, that replay VALIDATED the TD call.

That call is unacceptable. Football should not be polluted by 'instant replay' and have touchdowns overturned like that. I'm actually going to contact the BigTen about it. That call invalidated a clear touchdown, a touchdown for the last 131yrs of M football, anyways.

Absolutely unbelievable.

Section 18/19 border.....
zyxt9 said:
UM was far more responsible for keeping Ohio in the game than the refs. Big time TOs at very costly locations, blown coverages throughout the game, limited pressure on Miller, STUPID penalties at the end. It felt almost like UM wanted to keep it close like a cat playing with a mouse, but the mouse nearly chewed their face off and they got lucky in the end when Miller / Ohio coaches decided to spike the ball on the 3rd down. That decision cost them a legit chance.

Love that they won, but they didn't play a solid game while Ohio played exactly the way they needed in order to give themselves a chance. Won the TO battle, excellent play calling on O just lacking in execution in the passing game. Hats off to them for staying competitive. Miller could prove to be a very good QB if accuracy improves.

You must be one of those guys who couldn't possibly accept any success without a national championship at the end. If they didn't play perfect in your eyes, it was in some how a negative for you?
I didn't think we kept ohio in the game. they are a good team, very talented. I watched a couple of their other games (Wisconsin, Purdue, MSU), and could tell they definitely played the game-of-their-season against us.

after we went up 16-7, I thought it might end in a rout, but they showed how talented they are by fighting back and staying in it. momentum didn't matter... they can play ball.

now... on that overturned TD late... the REFS had something to do with the outcome, but up until the last 2 minutes of the game, ohio played lights out.
Watching the game again on DVR, on the Fitz run with 2:37 to go in the game (overturned TD) ESPN paused the tape saying Fitz's knee was down before it was actually down. They move ahead a couple frames, and only THEN do you see the impact in the rest of his thigh. When they pause it, Fitz's knee is not yet on the ground.

On the other angle, from the Ohio sideline, that's where they pause the play in the right place with Fitz's knee on the ground, the ball is touching the goaline.

It's one thing to fuck up a call when you see it in full speed. It's another thing to fuck up a call when you have SLOW MOTION REPLAY.

If you watch again on DVR or on the BTN tonight, check this out. On the angle from the UM sideline, they pause the play too soon. Watch Fitz's thigh, and you'll see they fucked up.
Does the replay official see all angles shown on TV, or are they limited in some way?
Hmm I mighthave to tape it tonightnjust to see

Others told me it was correct to reverse
dubbsco said:
To cost Michigan the game. WOW. How do you overturn that?? Are you fucking kidding?

as usual, I hate going to the officiating card but agreed.
Refs should NEVER reverse the call on the field due to inconclusive and vague 'video evidence' and take a score away when you cannot justify the call with video footage. If some play is in doubt, you go to video but you should not intervene in a game and manipulate the outcome.
It was bad enough that they overturned the TD, but spotting the ball back at the one was just as atrocious.