Segue Foo Earworm:
Shortly after Hair Drumpfkopf asked Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau whether his country burned down the White House in 1812, Heather Nauert one-upped him with this "gem".
Seeking to soothe feathers ruffled by comments from the US ambassador to Berlin, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert only made it worse by citing the Allied landings in Normandy as an example of US ties with Germany.
?We have a very strong relationship with the government of Germany,? Nauert said at a press briefing on Tuesday. ?Looking back in the history books, today is the 71st anniversary of the speech that announced the Marshall Plan. Tomorrow is the anniversary of the D-Day invasion. We obviously have a very long history with the government of Germany, and we have a strong relationship with the government of Germany.?
LMFAO...this woman simply doesn't possess enough gray matter to rub together, and be affected by the sonic disturbances...send her to China!!
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