I forgot, the Conservative PC Police have a rule that something or someone can be considered racist ONLY IF they are in the act of killing or attempting to kill a member of a different race WHILE openly stating they are acting that way solely because of racial enmity.
and even then, before and after the action occurs, they are not racist, and it's not fair to say that. Quit whining about it!
Hitler? he's not currently killing Jews, is he? NOT RACIST!
Robert E Lee merely describing African Americans as lazy, justifying physical punishment of them, and hoping Virginia would expel any free blacks so they wouldn't receive the same political rights as whites? He didn't personally try to kill any blacks, did he??? NOT RACIST!
the pro-Klan protestors in Chancellorsville? Hey they aren't CURRENTLY trying to murder any African Americans... NOT RACIST!
Government policies that "just happen" to screw over mostly African Americans, Hispanic immigrants, Muslims... NOT RACIST! Hey if they didn't want to be screwed over, maybe they shouldn't all have been lazy, broken arbitrary immigration laws, or supported terrorism... and it's NOT RACIST to say that... because it's TRUE!!!