We can't possibly know what to think of Quinn's moves or cuts because we don't even know which team we are.
Are we the team that turned in an abysmal start to the 2015 season? Are we the team that turned it around and made a run for the playoffs after that abysmal start?
See, we still don't really know if we have enough talent to compete, or if we just had horrible coaching. Well, okay, to be fair, we know we had a horrible O-Cordinator, but does that explain the turnaround, or was it luck? Was it schedule? We really don't know, we're guessing.
If Quinn saw a team that was lacking and brought in guys to patch it, only to find out the guys we already had were good players... so be it. If he brought in veterans to push younger guys and it worked, so be it. If it turns out he can't evaluate talent to save his ass... so be it.
Right now we don't know. No one does. One thing we know is he didn't let pride get in the way, he cut the guys that needed to be cut. Was that good or bad? We will know come January.