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Suicide league

Maize&Cheese304 said:


Again, damn. I might have to look up the rest of the rules. Lol. Still too lazy to go change my pick.

I'm pretty sure those are the two :)
I got NE tomorrow so we'll see. Looks like KC and Cleveland were the losses that knocked many of them out.
[color=#006400 said:
Mitch[/color]]I got NE tomorrow so we'll see. Looks like KC and Cleveland were the losses that knocked many of them out.

Glad I took Houston...saw the score in the stadium yesterday, 34-0 at half
SUCKED!!!! Damnit KC WTF?

Oh well - there always next year. :*)
i took the cardinals...and sweated that game out bad. i just didnt have the stones to take detroit.
Well quite a few were eliminated. Think this week I am going with the Packers over Carolina
[color=#551A8B said:
Rich what? Richmond![/color]]Well quite a few were eliminated. Think this week I am going with the Packers over Carolina

Watch Out!!!! Cam for MVP, rolls eyes
I tell you what if Cam Newton can pass on Woodson and Co. then he may be legit.
Cinci vs Browns was never a good choice. You never know what will happened with teams like those.
In my money survivor, 27 took cle, and 26 took az. Betting against a rookie almost knocked out half the people.
[color=#551A8B said:
Rich what? Richmond![/color]]Am I the only one to picked so far this week?

No, I don't think you can see other picks until games start. I know I picked on Tuesday.