I'm with Tinsel... government should not be regulating a religious institution. Marriage originated as a religious ritual to grant God's recognition and blessing on the union of a man and a woman. By regulating what a marriage is and is not over the last decade or so, our government has been trampling all over their cherished wall of separation between church and state.
Since marriage has been corrupted from it's original religious form, and the courts are unlikely to overturn this ruling anytime soon, I suggest that those of us who think America just flipped God the bird should encourage our churches to cease doing marriage ceremonies entirely. Let people who want the tax benefits of marriage go to the justice of the peace. Instead, the church can do strictly religious ceremonies to join people together before God... we could call them gamizo (greek word translated marriage in Bible) celebrations or something.
No tangible benefit from the government, so it is no longer a civil liberties issue, only a religious ceremony that is protected from government regulation/control. Everybody wins... except for the fact that this brings America one step closer to being judged by God, but most people don't believe that, which is why we're going down this road to begin with. America is only as Christian as it voters are, and popular opinion has been leaning more and more towards support of same sex marriage for some time now, so this court decision only sped things up a bit.