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The New Recruiting Thread

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Saw on Bleacher Report that EJ Levenberry will announce on Tuesday. Down to UM and Fla. St. Are we feeling good about our chances, or no?
I'd be surprised if Levenberry came here. We are stacked at LB and Fla St. seemed to be on his radar before all others. Plus, isn't Jaylon Smith really high on UM. If you are an LB and your coming here, your going to have to compete. I guess we'll see.
I'd be surprised if Levenberry came here. We are stacked at LB and Fla St. seemed to be on his radar before all others. Plus, isn't Jaylon Smith really high on UM. If you are an LB and your coming here, your going to have to compete. I guess we'll see.

From my understanding Smith isn't really high on UM.

I think it's OSU and ND fighting for him.
From Allen Trieu (regarding Ty Isaac)...

USC was in-school last Monday, Auburn on Wednesday. Those Trojans are making quite an impression. It's definitely Michigan and USC and no one else. Michigan will probably in to see him soon, but they haven't been in yet. I get the impression that a decision is getting closer. If a decision date gets announced and Mom hasn't been to SC yet, that's good for Michigan. If she heads out to SC, then game on. Stay tuned!
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Later on in the thread...

rmf21218 wrote: Allen do you still think Michigan has the advantage as of right now?

I think so, but SC has been steadily closing the gap. If I'm you guys, I'd practice what I'd call "cautious optimism."
From Allen Trieu...

USC was in-school last Monday, Auburn on Wednesday. Those Trojans are making quite an impression. It's definitely Michigan and USC and no one else. Michigan will probably in to see him soon, but they haven't been in yet. I get the impression that a decision is getting closer. If a decision date gets announced and Mom hasn't been to SC yet, that's good for Michigan. If she heads out to SC, then game on. Stay tuned!

Is this in regards to Isaac?
ty's mom will not like usc over um. no one's mom who lives in illinois would unless they have an unnatural hatred for um. just sayin'.
Not sure how seriously Joey Bosa was looking into Michigan, but he has now committed to Ohio*
ty's mom will not like usc over um. no one's mom who lives in illinois would unless they have an unnatural hatred for um. just sayin'.

Well, I'm sure she'll just love the nice neighborhoods by USC...
On Levenberry's decision tomorrow, I think it will be FSU, but wouldn't be surprised if it was Michigan.
Figured that seeing you update this thread at 3, rather than starting a new thread was a bad sign.
This stinks. Oh well it was kind of a luxury commit anyways. With last years class and this years we're pretty well stacked. Moar room for a wideout now.
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