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The Official Akron vs ][V][ichigan thread

Ugh, horrid first half. I was wondering if there would be a letdown after last week's euphoria.
We need someone to show up in the second half. Gallon has been good, but they don't seem to be caring too much about looking his way. Fitz would be okay if the interior line and now Schofield could block for him.

Prediction: We go into the gun and Gardner lights it up in the second half, totally abandoning so-called "power running"
How sad is it that akron is more devoted to the inside running game against Michigan than Michigan is to that game against Akron?!
Why is Jerry Kill still coaching? I think he's a good HC, but damn...he's going to end up dying on the field one day. If you're a recruit, do you really want to go to a school that has a coach that could have a seizure on the field at any time?
The second INT was a ball Funchess could have and should have caught. As for the fumble, why the hell is Michigan going option in the red zone against Akron?! Make the commitment to the interior run gsme fergodsakes!
How sad is it that akron is more devoted to the inside running game against Michigan than Michigan is to that game against Akron?!

We can't run inside. Or outside. Interior line is killing us. We run to Lewan's side and Glasgow, Miller, and Khalis get beat by their assignment and Fitz gets TFL.
The option was a brain cramp by Borges...It was a gaffe of a play call..
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I dont know if we have ever had a basketball coach love Michigan as much has Beilein seems to. He is at almost every football game and he just lead the band at half. he is really enjoying himself as he should.
Damn, what's wrong with Gardner today? He is really off today. :(