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The Official Akron vs ][V][ichigan thread

UCF beat this team 38-7 and in their week 2 win, james madison got 500 yards against akron's D.

SOmething is wrong with this team. Doesn't look like they're very prepared.
wow. just wow. 7-3 with just over a minute left in the first half against akron and they are trying to score. this is pathetic. big let down so far. they need to light a fire under their asses at half time.
UCF beat this team 38-7 and in their week 2 win, james madison got 500 yards against akron's D.

SOmething is wrong with this team. Doesn't look like they're very prepared.

Yup. totally not prepared.. I am so pissed..
Laughing stock of the NCAA football right now..

I doubt that. We did beat Notre Dame last week, so that carries a bit of weight. Every team has weeks like this throughout the year. We'll still end up winning this by 30 plus.