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The Official Akron vs ][V][ichigan thread

Finally some blocking and a good run!

but there's a holding...of course. Fuck off O-line. Fuck off!
I never understood playing a team like Akron, what's the point. You won't win a title with Akron on your schedule.
Shit, maybe put Gallon in the backfield. That guy breaks more tackles than any of our backs.
.....really? REALLLY!!!!!!!

option against Akron. Why are we doing these ridiculous plays and why is Gardner unable to hold the ball against this team? We're screwed if we play any good defense anytime soon.
You can short slant this team all day if you'd like. 8 yards a pop? sure. go for it. take the 2nd and 1 or 2.
I didn't want to start drinking until later in the day. This game make force me to change my mind.