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The Official Akron vs ][V][ichigan thread

I doubt that. We did beat Notre Dame last week, so that carries a bit of weight. Every team has weeks like this throughout the year. We'll still end up winning this by 30 plus.

Yes, probably by more than that, but still I don't like the play by Michigan on either side of the ball so far.
3 devin gardner turnovers. Maybe mustardburger was onto something when he kept calling DG "robinson" and "denard"
What the hell? Who was DG throwing it to there? 3 Akron defenders and he throws it into the middle of them. Funchess has to jump over a guy to even have a chance. WTF is going on???
Hey, I got an idea. Let's try a hail mary and get DG another INT!!!
Or not. Might as well end one of the worst halves in Michigan football history. This was one for the record books!
What the hell? Who was DG throwing it to there? 3 Akron defenders and he throws it into the middle of them. Funchess has to jump over a guy to even have a chance. WTF is going on???

Funchess still should have caught the ball, but yeah, I blame DG for forcing the ball into a spot where his receiver knew he was about to get crushed.
Well I wouldnt want to be in that locker room at half. We are lucky to be winning. The entire offense sucks and our D is leaving WR's wide open.
"The Fourth Down Song"
to the tune of "Temptation" as played by the M Marching Band

It is fourth down
It is fourth down
And you have to punt.